Jeep people vs diesel people

Muds Jeep

Zombie Slayer
Feb 26, 2011
I have noticed that Jeep people are a lot more friendly to one another than diesel people. In my Jeep you almost always get a friendly wave no mater the Jeep size or looks. Now in a Big diesel 4x4 truck it's like a dick measuring contest. Oh hell no your truck ain't better than mine,I'll role coal on you in your ford truck. This is the crap I get from Ford, Chevrolet and Dodge people, even the little 1/2 ton trucks try and show there thing also. I just laugh and go about my way.
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Not Jeep people ..... Offroad people.
Most Jeep people around here are just pretentious pricks with enough credit to buy a Jeep and 10 grand worth of bolt on doodads.
Never wave.

The beater with rust and mud all over waves like I'm dating his mom.

And you're right about the needle-dicked coal-burners.o_O:D:p:p:p
Most Jeep people around here are just pretentious pricks
Says the imitation Jeep owner :flipoff2:

Accurate description of about every diesel owner outside NC4X4.

I was quite shocked the first year I owned mine

I came to offroad from motorcycles so waving and support for your sport was normal. I've never quite seen anything like it. I was/am disappointed in most diesel owners
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Moving from a YJ to an XJ, I can attest that most jeep drivers are snobs!

Agreed though, if the jeep has ever had mud under it, you will get a wave....if doors are on, windows are up, and the AC is blasting, they don't even know there is a jeep wave.

XJ people get treated like the step child or something from most other Jeep folks. But still wave and pretty nice for the most part.

I’ve had diesel bro dozers pull up on me in my truck and I guess they don’t know it’s a gas truck or they think that makes them even more superior or whatever, but the dude usually looks over and gives me a “get some” nod and then rolls coal as he “leaves me in the dust”

It’s almost always a Cummins when that happens.
When Im driving, I hate everyone, so sorry if I hurt your feeling the other day.
What about a jeep guy who intends to pull a factory diesel?
When I had my sprung over SBC powered commando on 35s (with grille painted black...this was before it was a factory option on the 4 door thingy) I would wave at other Jeeps. Most folks waving at me were normal people in non Jeep vehicles that were picking up on how completely badass my pile was. Rarely did I get a Jeep wave back and even more uncommon was the uninitiated Jeep wave.

Everyone afflicted with Jeep wave butt hurt should just put down the energy drink, sell the clapped out turd and get a Toyota. :fuck-you:
I didn't know simply owning a diesel made me part of a people :confused: Do I have to wave at all diesel drivers, or just ones like mine?

Maybe they are waiving and you just can't see it past their big worthless tow mirrors
So what are we gonna do next year when the diesel Wrangler comes out?
I’ll give people I know the ‘two fingers off the wheel’ waive when I pass them. Otherwise, I feel like the number of shitboxes I see on the internet, I don’t want to commit to reinforcing bad practice. If I’m at a stop light and can tell there are no hockey puck lifts, or that lope is cam derived and not missing vacuum lines, or that fresh paint isn’t also on the windows and a couple gallons of bondo, etc etc...THEN, I’ll attempt to make eye contact and give a head nod out of respect.
Y'all know nothing about douche bag Diesel, Jeep and Mustang people. Come on down here to Floriduh. I don't know what it is, but I hope it's not in the water or Contagious.
That is true, I do a lot of work in Clermont , I think its big city Ass holes that have there head up there ass.
I do miss the mountains were I grew up
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