; 68HC11 bootstrap, download to a SBEC that has been
; placed into bootstrap mode by applying 12 volts to
; pin 45 until SBEC sends 0x00 on pin 25.
ORG $0000
ldS #$FF ; stack pointer = 0xFF
ldX #$1000 ; config 68HC11 registers
ldD #$330C ; config SCI
staA $2B,X ; store value in register A ($33) in 0x1000 + 0x002B
; configures SCI for 1200 BAUD
staB $2D,X ; store value in register B ($0C) in 0x1000 + 0x002D
; configures SCI for TXD/RXD
sei ; disable interrupts
ldD #$6001 ; load D register with 0x6001
staA $3C,X ; store value in register A ($60) in 0x1000 + 0x003C
; enables Special Mode
staB $3F,X ; store value in register B ($01) in 0x1000 + 0x003F
; System Config Register
ldX #$8000 ; load index with value
ldY #Buffer-1 ; ECU nearly always receives $00 when programming
; voltage is disconnected store it before the buffer
clr Odd ; init our EVEN, ODD flag
cpX #$B600 ; PC won't be sending the MCU EEPROM address $B600->$B800
bne LoopToFillRAM ; so just skip it
ldX #$B800
ldD $102E ; loop until a byte has been received
bitA #%00100000
beq LoopToFillRAM
staB $00,Y ; store byte to write buffer
inY ; increment buffer address
cpY #Buffer+$40 ; test if buffer is full
bne LoopToFillRAM ; loop until buffer is full
; we need to delay a little to allow the PC some time to apply 20 volts to pin
; 45, the ECU will then apply 12 (Vpp) volts to pin 1 of the EEPROM
ldY #$4119 ; 50ms
bne wait_0
ldY #Buffer ; point to the beginning of the write buffer
; the Jeep Toshiba EEPROM's have 64 byte sectors, bytes to be programmed
; are loaded EVEN/ODD or ODD/EVEN, once the 64th byte to be programmed is
; loaded, or maybe the 65th, the chip begins writing the bytes. The first
; byte loaded determines if ODD ore EVENS are going to be loaded first.
; it is unclear if each sector is flashed after each load sequence, or
; just once after both ODD and EVEN bytes have been loaded.
ldD #$AAA0 ; pretty much the SDP disable the AT29C256 uses
staA $D555 ; store $AA @ address $D555
comA ; $AA is now $55
staA $AAAA ; store $55 @ address $AAAA
staB $D555 ; store $A0 @ address $D555
clrB ; register B is now $00
;staB $A000 ; works for some Toshiba chips
; store $00 @ address $8000
staB $8000 ; works for both discovered
; variants of Toshiba chips
; first pass, 64 bytes are loaded from the write buffer, starting with an EVEN byte ($00),
; second pass, 63 bytes are loaded from the write buffer starting with an ODD byte ($01).
; it's unclear if each sector is flashed twice, after each loading sequence, or just once.
ldaA $00,Y ; load byte from our buffer into register A
staA $00,X ; store byte to EEPROM
inY ; increment buffer address
inX ; increment EEPROM address
ldaB #$0C ; a little delay is needed for EEPROM to
bsr ShortDelayLoop ; register the byte to be written
cpY #Buffer+$40 ; test to see if we have reached the end
bne ld_bytes ; of the write buffer
brclr Odd,$00000001,reset ; test if we need to load ODD bytes
deX ;
bsr VerifyWriteComplete ; wait for the last byte loaded to be written
cpX #$0000 ; test if X has rolled over to $0000 and programming
bne Next64ByteBlock ; is finished, or get the next 64 bytes to be written.
ldaA #$19 ; wait for programming voltage to be disconnected
staA Delay ; EEPROM and ECU need about 2 seconds before we
; start sending bytes or write verification or
; tends to fail.
ldY #$0D05*2 ; 10ms x 2
bne wait_2
dec Delay
bne wait_1
ldX #$8000 ; point to the beginning of the EEPROM
ldaB 0,X ; load byte into B
ldaA $102E ; wait for SCI to be ready to send
andA #%10000000
beq WaitForSCI
staB $102F ; send byte
inX ; point to next byte
bne SendByte ; loop until X rolls over to $0000
bne ShortDelayLoop
; reset to the beginning of the write buffer plus one.
; reset to the beginning of the EEPROM sector plus one.
; set flag to indicate ODD bytes have been/are being loaded
xgdx ; move X register to D register
subD #$40-1 ; subtract $3F from D register
xgdx ; move D register to X register
ldY #Buffer+1 ; point to beginning of write buffer plus one
inc Odd ; set ODD bytes flag
bra ld_bytes ; load ODD bytes
; loop until byte has been written, should
; take 20ms MAX to write a sector
ldaB 0,X
andA #%10000000
andB #%10000000
bne VerifyWriteComplete
fcb $00
fcb $00
fcb 0x00
; pad bootstrap to 256 total bytes
fcb 0x00