johnston co folks....

just a reminder to folks, it looks like this upcoming sunday at the tractor supply parking lot in selma at 3pm is the time and place for the meet-n-greet.

hope to see you all there.

ord.sgt.26NC -

gonna have to get with you some time and shoot that willys on wet-plate. Been wanting to do some other military periods with wet-plate....

see you later today.

Good meeting everyone! See you again soon.

it was nice meeting everyone today. we'll have to do it again some time, maybe get something going like the wilmington folks have. :beer:

rox'n'mud, get up with me next time you want to do some work on your heeps, after next week ill be in raleighwood for quite some time.
Good to put some names to faces and meet some folks. some nice looking rides out there, Jimmy the Willy's is cool.

Dave, your truck is nice, I was surprised it wasn't diesel ( I guess I justy expected an F-250 Crew to be a smoker) 5.4 or 6.8 ?

Len, well, you got a Jeep, what can I say !!

heh, this coming from the guy that showed up in a Camry. Lame is my middle name!
shoot,it was 9:30 before I pulled into the yard.Nobody ran me over surprisingly with all the traffic.That was a good meet up.Need to do it again towards early spring sometime.
Len, well, you got TWO Jeeps, what can I say !!
Fixed it for ya,
and What else is there to say.:huggy:

It was good to meet everyone and I agree we should have more meet and greets in Wake/Johnston Co. areas.

Jimmy, I'm happy to hear you and the willies made it back safely. Hope you didn't hit any rain.
it was good to see you guys.

I would have been there on the TJ, but a sticking brake caliper wouldnt let me out of the driveway.

I drove up in a red Nitro...and 2wd at that. Got home and started to work on the brakes....well...the TJ is in the shop today...decided to pay someone to fix it instead of my risking my life and someone else's....afterall...I need brakes!

Dang! I hate we missed this! Thanks for the heads up Rob, but we were in the mountains until Jan. 4. Keep me posted. Need to get together. Hawk
Wow I hate I missed this!Im down in goldsboro,next time yall have one I hope i can be there!