Legalize It?????

Legalize Pot???

  • No

    Votes: 38 33.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 55 47.8%
  • Its about time

    Votes: 22 19.1%

  • Total voters
Drunk drivers run stop signs, high driver's wait for it to turn green.

Honestly tho, I say no.
Honetly if it was to be legalized look at the $$$ that could be saved in fort cost & police man power to stop the drug bust? Besides suposedly 10% of ppl smoke pot now..... college students its like 1 out of 3 students....... not to menchen if they taxed it look at the $$$ our wonderful gov could get! To pay back the loans they have taken on our game lands from china!
They say Americans are the most advanced county but look at who is making the $ on us......

I quit smoking it when I became a truck driver but legalized I would prob go back to it! In my eyes alcohol impairs the body & mind WAY more then pot!

So I say give it a try!

God did put ALL herbs & spices on earth for man.....
Think we have a problem with drinking and driving now? Imagine smoking pot and driving.

Im assuming DWI and DUI laws would still be enforced.
There is no way the gov could possibly effectively tax it. Do they tax you for your garden? Not yet but they're probably thinking of a way to do it.

Why was Moonshine banned?
i don't think it should be legalized, but i do think it should be de-criminalized. i don't think a man driving down the road with some weed in his pocket should go to jail as long as a guy who murdered someone.
they can tax it if they want, fuck it,they tax everything else.
there is no way you can say that a guy who smoked a joint is as dangerous as a drunk. (this is a generalized statement, we all know there are exceptions to the rule)
How many people smoke cigs and grow tobacco in there garden.
How many smokers do you know that would take a dry tobacco leaf, shred it up, roll it up, light it up....? That tobacco is processed, the same can't be said for marijuana. Probably safe to say a good majority of pot smokers would grow their own given the chance than let the gov tax them on some commercial junk with low THC levels.

I'm guessing I'm not the only one here that saw the show on the history channel last night? Very informative.
There is no way the gov could possibly effectively tax it. Do they tax you for your garden?

You mean - like there's no way they could regulate or tax alcohol? B/c I'm pretty sure its just as easy to make beer in your kitchen as it is to grow pot.

How many smokers do you know that would take a dry tobacco leaf, shred it up, roll it up, light it up....? That tobacco is processed, the same can't be said for marijuana. Probably safe to say a good majority of pot smokers would grow their own given the chance than let the gov tax them on some commercial junk with low THC levels.
I'm guessing I'm not the only one here that saw the show on the history channel last night? Very informative.

Just like any other consumable product, it's all about economics and the cost/benefit to making it yourself. All it takes is for RJR etc to sell it at a cost that is lower than the effort/cost of growing yourself, and people will buy (and pay tax) instead. Which I'm sure is very, very possible.
Look how easy it is to grow your own veggies, raise chickens, sew your own clothes, or even repair your own car. Yet, how common is it that people do these things? Only those who care enough to put in an effort that exceeds what it costs to get these goods from other places.

From a neuroscience point of view, there is no evidence that the impairment from pot is any worse/detrimental than alcohol, per "typical dose".

IMO there is no logical reason for it to be illegal, when we have much more harmful, addictive drugs also legal.
Forcing things to remain underground makes it difficult to really monitor and regulate.
PPlus, yeah, what a huge waste of resources trying to "fight" this.
there is a tax on it... I had to pay a shit load in 1994 just for growing a stoopid weed... NEVER again

if only I had a tax stamp at the time. I wouldn't have gotten in so much trouble with the IRS...

I feel it should be regulated like tobacco & alcohol
If the government can produce an effective system of growing, taxing, marketing, and selling marijuana I am all for it. Just think how many billions of dollars each year go into the pockets of Mexican and Colombian drug lords that are not even american citizens and 0% of that revenue returns to the states. I would be all for it just for the sole purpose of putting those peices of trash out of business. I am not a user nor will be but honeslty look at what people these days are paying for the stuff. Its easier to grow and manufature than tobacco so imagine a pack of marijuana cigarettes being $5, a fraction of what the street value would be today. Pot is obviously going to be used and from a law enforcement perspective it is a loosing battle. The pros out weigh the cons 10 to 1.
1. The negative health effects are nowhere near that of tobacco (have you ever seen tobacco used in the medical field?).
2. The production cost is less than that of tobacco (no chemicals used to produce, ie tar, nicotine, formaldahyde.).
3. The street value would be drastically lowered (sending drug dealers elsewhere).
4. Crime prevented (no more drug deals gone bad etc).
5. Governtment incentives (maybe turn around this ever growing national debt of 17 trillion or whatever it is now).
6. Law enforcement personel will be put to better use for more important things (rapist, murderers) instead of dealing with petty marijuana possesion.
7. Governmental control of drug (no more marijuana laced with cocaine).
8. Free up the court systems from having to deal with petty marijauna possesion.

Now the only con I can possibly think of right now is that a whole lot of people are going to PISSED when they have to serve time in jail or pay huge fines and now the whole reason they got in trouble is legal.

With all that said, I dont have kids but when I do, if i ever catch them with the stuff they will be dreading sitting down on their red asses for a week.
I personally would rather drink but I think it should be legalized and taxed following the same rules as alcohol. It can be tested to see if a person is under the influence, but if a person is high or drunk at home or at a bar and not working or driving who does it actually hurt. As far as drug dealers though it would put low level dealers out of business but higher level dealers would switch to other drugs for income.
Legalize it, decriminalize it..whatever you wanna call it, just dont put folks in jail for it. This seems petty compared to other drugs and crimes Because chances are high (pun)that the weed smokers are not bothering anyone else. I dont know how they'd tax it or regulate it, but I am sure they could think of something. Seems like a waste of alot of resources to catch, arrest and prosecute these victimless crimes.
When I say victimless crimes. I'd be willing to bet that the horrific crimes that do involve pot would probably decrease to near none, if it were legal. No more druglord/weed wars, no more bad drug deals and so on.
I don't use the stuff and haven't for more years than most here are old but I'm all for anything that gets more government out of our lives. I'll never understand why so many are willing to give up their liberties so easily. Taxation and any other regulation is nothing but loss of liberty. It was proven many years ago that prohibition does not work so I see no need to reinvent the wheel. :huggy:
I say legalize it so potheads don't have anything else to bitch about (kidding...sorta). Never touched the stuff myself, but I have witnessed it as being a gateway drug...but I know more folks that smoke with no more issues than you or I drinking a beer. I would be curious to know whether or not it would cut down or increase use. Most of the folks I've known began using out of rebellion. Well, if it's not considered rebelling, how much usage would be out of curiousity, and be one and done. I don't disagree with it being taxed, even though I dislike the thought of .gov having their fingers in the pot (pardon the pun). Without a doubt, it should be monitored the same as drinking. In the end though, it's a matter of personal opinion of whether you think it's morally or ethically wrong. Personally, I'll never promote drinking or drug use or tobacco use...but I don't want someone telling me that I at least don't have the choice.
lm for legalize/decriminalize it, yeah, there will be those who still abuse it,just like alcohol, there will be a generous amount of tax money brought in, just like alcohol, no it wont solve all the problems/issues, but, other states who have decriminalized it are finding it does solve some of them.:huggy:
Id say its a gateway drug because of the war on drugs. You smokin pot, and suddenly its dry, well, ol dirty ronnie aint got no pot, but he got some meth, or anything BUT pot, well, you wanna GEEEEETT HIIIIIIIIIGGGHHHHH so you get that instead, and BAM. You just wanted to get baked and watch cartoons, maaaaan.
i say legalize it, but the fact is the goverment wont legalize it. they dont see that they are spending more than what they are bringing in, but have they ever. plus they would be giving us back freedoms instead of taking them, and imo our goverment is against that.
judging by some of the threads here lately and the seriousness of their content, i would suggest cramming everyone on the board in a theatre, sub it out(everyone get high) and watch Super Troopers. :huggy::flipoff2:
some people take shit way to seriousely. so ill sit here and partake and possibly have a cheetos overdose, while some of you are having anxiety attacks about tracks falling off bobcats......

but in all seriousness most people would be suprised what goes on in a normal everyday atmosphere and probably at who smokes and just dont tell anyone......
judging by some of the threads here lately and the seriousness of their content, i would suggest cramming everyone on the board in a theatre, sub it out(everyone get high) and watch Super Troopers. :huggy::flipoff2:
some people take shit way to seriousely. so ill sit here and partake and possibly have a cheetos overdose, while some of you are having anxiety attacks about tracks falling off bobcats......
but in all seriousness most people would be suprised what goes on in a normal everyday atmosphere and probably at who smokes and just dont tell anyone......

Best response yet.:smokin: