Lesnar gets WHOOPED!!!

the man has 105-5 college wrestling record and a national championship behind him. trust me...theres technique there. Did you see either of the frank mir fights? total ground control.
i don't know how easy it would be to fix fights on the ufc. no matter what at some point the "survival" mode has to kick in, if you are punching me in the face,at some point the money is forgotten and your will to survive will take over.
their are some fighters out there you can punch in the face all day long and not seem to hurt them. wrestlers tend to fall into the other categories.
talk about knock outs i was at the ufc fight when chuck got layed out they didnt really show it on the tv but he was on the mat for about five mins out cold! all it takes is that one shot to the sweet spot and your done no matter who you are
Im sorry gus but I like to not think that UFC is paid off also like many other sports such as the yankess that still didnt make it this year..

Perfect example, people get sick of seeing the mighty at the top. So keep them relevant, but they don't have to dominate all the time.

and saying that Lesnar brought the huge crowd and money i disagree with also,these pay per views bring sold out crowds almost every fight for all kinds of fighters.

If it weren't for Brock Lesnar, the sport would get little more than a blip on the score tracker on the bottom of ESPN. Besides, this thread is a perfect example of how a big name can help a sport, I didn't see you talking about any of the other fights that went on. No names and underdogs don't make money...and apparently they don't get threads created about them on NC4x4.

i don't know how easy it would be to fix fights on the ufc. no matter what at some point the "survival" mode has to kick in, if you are punching me in the face,at some point the money is forgotten and your will to survive will take over.
their are some fighters out there you can punch in the face all day long and not seem to hurt them. wrestlers tend to fall into the other categories.

Just like boxing isn't fixed, right?:rolleyes: Someone takes a fal, someone has a surprisingly weak chin, etc. I'm not saying the fights are orchestrated or choreographed...maybe something as little as 'you're going down in the first round'.
im not taking one stance or another....but lesnar has made a career out of choreographed fights.
If it weren't for Brock Lesnar, the sport would get little more than a blip on the score tracker on the bottom of ESPN. Besides, this thread is a perfect example of how a big name can help a sport, I didn't see you talking about any of the other fights that went on. No names and underdogs don't make money...and apparently they don't get threads created about them on NC4x4.

Man i hate to say but your wrong UFC has been getting huge for years now,Brock lesnar helped it get bigger but it was big way before lesnar appeared.

The only reason i posted about this one fight is because I am in the desert with nothing better to do on my off day except watch this fight and get on the internet.It was the highlight of my week cause theres nothing else to do out here hahahaha!

Oh and Evans vs. Rampage I brought that up on here awhile back also so did they make UFC what is is also??
Obviously, this could go on and on, we all have our opinions. The UFC fights entertained you, that's all that matters. I enjoy sports, I like watching them, but I also take them with a grain of salt because have no idea what kind of back room hand shakes are going on. Fixing games and fights has gone on before, I don't see it outside the realm of possibility, especially when noticing small ironies. That's my opinion...take it or leave it.

BTW...the other fight you mentioned are relatively big names as well...so yes, I would lump them in with Brock.