Things are chaotic in many parts of the country, especially in urban environs and this is a prime time in history to be the "grey man" or be prepared to be the "object of someone else's attention". Case in point, unless you do desire to make your stand loud and clear (because bumper stickers are known to change people's minds and make a difference in the world) get that $%^& off of your vehicle. It is one thing and one thing only (besides your cry for cool points), a magnet for attention. Attention at 11pm in a convenience store lot from a group of angry AntiFA/AntiMAGA folks is not good attention at all. Attention from a thief who looks for your HK or Highpoint sticker on your Siv-ver-ah-doh is not good either.
Listen, we are gonna see the "left" and those that do not see the last election cycle as ice cream and watermelon time begin to look for opportunities to express themselves in what can be described as "venting". Do not make yourself the "vent". Avoid places if possible that seem to promote you as a pinata full of hate. Keep stickers, tags and such off of your poon magnet. Avoid "tak-tee-kul" clothing and hats when you may be in hostile areas (or just avoid it, it does not make you an operator). Don't stop at zero-dark-thirty at LeRoy's Brotherhood Market.... Avoid it by keeping your fuel tank full and pissing before you are about to wet yourself.
Be armed. Not just your Glock 19/17 (Gawd bless Gaston) but keep a carbine in the car. Listen, just do it. And mags, several mags. Hopefully that purty black thang will ride around unused for practically ever but what if you find yourself in shizholeistan at zerodarkthirty with a non-MAGA group wanting to make a zample out of you and Mrs. NC4x4user? A carbine would certainly help back that $%^& right the fark down.
Keep your mudderhumpin fone in your pocket and your eyes on the real world. Geezus people stay alert and aware.
Look at people, look them in the eye. Exude confidence, not bravado. Be Jose Wales not Vanilla Ice. Don't look like an easy target, but don't look like you wanna take over da hood either.
Lastly, get some training. Carrying a weapon does not make you a warrior or even "armed", what is between your ears does. PK out.
Listen, we are gonna see the "left" and those that do not see the last election cycle as ice cream and watermelon time begin to look for opportunities to express themselves in what can be described as "venting". Do not make yourself the "vent". Avoid places if possible that seem to promote you as a pinata full of hate. Keep stickers, tags and such off of your poon magnet. Avoid "tak-tee-kul" clothing and hats when you may be in hostile areas (or just avoid it, it does not make you an operator). Don't stop at zero-dark-thirty at LeRoy's Brotherhood Market.... Avoid it by keeping your fuel tank full and pissing before you are about to wet yourself.
Be armed. Not just your Glock 19/17 (Gawd bless Gaston) but keep a carbine in the car. Listen, just do it. And mags, several mags. Hopefully that purty black thang will ride around unused for practically ever but what if you find yourself in shizholeistan at zerodarkthirty with a non-MAGA group wanting to make a zample out of you and Mrs. NC4x4user? A carbine would certainly help back that $%^& right the fark down.
Keep your mudderhumpin fone in your pocket and your eyes on the real world. Geezus people stay alert and aware.
Look at people, look them in the eye. Exude confidence, not bravado. Be Jose Wales not Vanilla Ice. Don't look like an easy target, but don't look like you wanna take over da hood either.
Lastly, get some training. Carrying a weapon does not make you a warrior or even "armed", what is between your ears does. PK out.