Lost 44 Bogger- Need Help

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Mar 2, 2007
Raleigh NC
I lost a 44 bogger on a beadlock wheel near Wilson last Sunday coming from Dennis Anderson's mud race. I found a guy selling the tire on Craigslist but cannot get him to contact me. I need for everyone to keep on the lookout for this tire. I do not mind paying a reward.
Carl Welch
did it fall off the tralier or something? i lost a 35 one time and it took me a while to find it.
geez that sucks. if you know who he is, could you report it to the authorities?

man, wonder what the legal protocol for this is?
geez that sucks. if you know who he is, could you report it to the authorities?
man, wonder what the legal protocol for this is?

I think the problem will be that the OP would need soem form of proof that it is indeed his tire.

Good luck.
Hey bro, shoot me a PM with the link and i will start on him.
Saw the video of the Bronco.......Loving it.
I think the problem will be that the OP would need soem form of proof that it is indeed his tire.
Good luck.

hmm...now we have to start grooving our names into the sidewalls.

some people are jerks.
Maybe someone here knows the craigslist poster. This looks like the right ad.

I have 1 44x19.50xx15 Super Swamper Bogger with 95% tread measures 1" in the center of tire and 3" on the outside with a 15x14" 32 bolt bead lock 8x6.5 lug pattern 350$ firm may take trades. email me at netheridge82@aol.com

  • Location: wilson
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1443548022


I have a matching tire and rim to prove it. Also, the rim was built with a custom backspacing.

Who in the hell has 1- 44 bogger on a bead lock to sell with 100% tread?
Thanks guys for helping. This will cost me big if I can't get it back. Also, trying to make the Sanford race next weekend.


There is a reward!!!!

found this to be amazing. the world is becoming this way i would go look at this tire and take it or call the cops and say he stole it how.... dishonest
just doin' what I can...and besides, I hate a fucking scam artist. If the man can prove it is his...then it is. Seriously, wtf
Just got up with the guy and told him I was coming to get the tire tomorrow and would pay him the money.

thanks for the big effort--- Matt thanks for the phone #

carl welch

NC4x4 rocks!!!
So..while I was over on their site, they have this special area I found amusing "SHIT TALKING" haha...basically, if you say your car can run 90bagillion miles an hour and bust everyone else ass...be prepared to run 90bagillion mph and bust everyones ass or they will clown you...pretty funny stuff(e-drama)
Did you tell him it was yours or are you just going to take it..:eek:
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