Lots of interesting news today

Ha! What I'm not hearing is someone in charge having the balls to call out the clear, definable, provable cause of our issues.

Yeah you do. They are there.
The problem is the one's getting rich and gaining "power" off of how things are, are drowning them out with BS and rhetoric and rabid supporters.
And this is the only bi-partisan part of politics!

Then someone goes "but, but, but, the Green Party! Or Libertarians!"
Those guys are the real nut-jobs. Don't listen to what they say they want ...... read about what they really want! o_O
Yeah you do. They are there.
The problem is the one's getting rich and gaining "power" off of how things are, are drowning them out with BS and rhetoric and rabid supporters.
And this is the only bi-partisan part of politics!

Then someone goes "but, but, but, the Green Party! Or Libertarians!"
Those guys are the real nut-jobs. Don't listen to what they say they want ...... read about what they really want! o_O
You do realize that the Green Party and Libertarians have almost nothing at all in common, right? One wants to dictate everything you do for the sake of saving the environment, and the other just wants everyone to be able to do what they want, so long as it isn't interfering with anyone else.
You do realize that the Green Party and Libertarians have almost nothing at all in common, right? One wants to dictate everything you do for the sake of saving the environment, and the other just wants everyone to be able to do what they want, so long as it isn't interfering with anyone else.
That's why he said 'OR'
Yea...there are options...but they aren't any better really.
Yeah you do. They are there.
The problem is the one's getting rich and gaining "power" off of how things are, are drowning them out with BS and rhetoric and rabid supporters.
And this is the only bi-partisan part of politics!

Then someone goes "but, but, but, the Green Party! Or Libertarians!"
Those guys are the real nut-jobs. Don't listen to what they say they want ...... read about what they really want! o_O

Tell me you know nothing about the green party or Libertarians, without telling me you know nothing about the green party or Libertarians!
You do realize that the Green Party and Libertarians have almost nothing at all in common, right? One wants to dictate everything you do for the sake of saving the environment, and the other just wants everyone to be able to do what they want, so long as it isn't interfering with anyone else.

Right! How terrible to want to leave people alone and be left alone.
So have I missed the breathless reporting and size 100 font headlines about the latest mass shooting? Where is the 24 hour coverage? Where are the calls for gun reform and buy backs and anti-2a crowd? Or calls to re-impeach Trump? Even WRAL has pushed it down!

So have I missed the breathless reporting and size 100 font headlines about the latest mass shooting? Where is the 24 hour coverage? Where are the calls for gun reform and buy backs and anti-2a crowd? Or calls to re-impeach Trump? Even WRAL has pushed it down!

Well it was one of the main headlines on CNN yesterday.
So - yes, you did.
Yeah you do. They are there.
The problem is the one's getting rich and gaining "power" off of how things are, are drowning them out with BS and rhetoric and rabid supporters.
And this is the only bi-partisan part of politics!

Then someone goes "but, but, but, the Green Party! Or Libertarians!"
Those guys are the real nut-jobs. Don't listen to what they say they want ...... read about what they really want! o_O
Where can I read about what libertarians really want?
You do realize that the Green Party and Libertarians have almost nothing at all in common, right? One wants to dictate everything you do for the sake of saving the environment, and the other just wants everyone to be able to do what they want, ** so long as it isn't interfering with anyone else.**
Who gets to draw that line?
Who gets to draw that line?
I googled it and came up with this answer:

We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.

It was from their own website, though, so I'm not sure if it's accurate. I'm still trying to figure out what those wackos actually want.
Well it was one of the main headlines on CNN yesterday.
So - yes, you did.
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Thats some decent size font. Good catch.

But why did it fall off the main pages and talking points so quick?

The last mass shooting (with less victims) got weeks of coverage and threats of gun grabs and limiting rights.

I don't understand the difference.
Thats some decent size font. Good catch.

But why did it fall off the main pages and talking points so quick?

The last mass shooting (with less victims) got weeks of coverage and threats of gun grabs and limiting rights.

I don't understand the difference.
I suggest you apply for a job running a news organization.
Then you can control these decisions - or at least understand what goes behind them.

Slow vs busy news week?
At least in CNN's case they seem to think people would rather hear about the latest on the Biden classified doc. I'm sure there are differing opinions on priorities.
I suggest you apply for a job running a news organization.
Then you can control these decisions - or at least understand what goes behind them.

Slow vs busy news week?
At least in CNN's case they seem to think people would rather hear about the latest on the Biden classified doc. I'm sure there are differing opinions on priorities.
Yea....you got it
You do realize that the Green Party and Libertarians have almost nothing at all in common, right? One wants to dictate everything you do for the sake of saving the environment, and the other just wants everyone to be able to do what they want, so long as it isn't interfering with anyone else.

Yes I do .... I did say "Or" ....but still, both nutjobs.

But your assessment of the Green Party is dead on.
And Libertarians? .... there is really very few Libertarians around.
A true Libertarian is only a step or two above anarchists.
Just enough government to keep the border secure and lights on.
Most who label themselves as Libertarians are nothing more than liberals too ashamed to admit they are Democrats.
Yes I do .... I did say "Or" ....but still, both nutjobs.

But your assessment of the Green Party is dead on.
And Libertarians? .... there is really very few Libertarians around.
A true Libertarian is only a step or two above anarchists.
Just enough government to keep the border secure and lights on.
Most who label themselves as Libertarians are nothing more than liberals too ashamed to admit they are Democrats.
A true Libertarian is only a step or two above anarchists.
Just enough government to keep the border secure and lights on.
I agree, FIFY, and that's a good description of me. I just want to live uninhibited, and not bother anyone else.

Most who label themselves as Libertarians are nothing more than liberals too ashamed to admit they are Democrats.
I'm not sure where you are gathering your thoughts and information from, but it seems quite innaccurately skewed and propaganda biased. Honestly it sounds like a red team interpretation of liberatarians because they see libertarians as competition that "causes them to lose elections" instead of owning up to their own shortcomings and inconsistent principles.

Libertarians have a lot in common with TRUE conservatives, and classical liberalism, and practically nothing in common with modern Liberals or Democrats, nor the current batch of big government Republicans who wouldn't know conservative if it bit em in the budget.
Most who label themselves as Libertarians are nothing more than liberals too ashamed to admit they are Democrats.
You've just proven to us you don't understand Democrats or Libertarians.