Lower back pain sucks!

My doctor gave me advice that helped my occasional back pain. The lower back and abs work together to keep your upper body erect. Men let their abs go to shit, and your lower back has to work twice as hard. Strengthen your abs, and your back will clear up.

Yep, I totally agree. Also a good pair of shoes with proper arch support....
I know where your coming from. I had 7-8 herniated discs 8 years ago. Three surgeries later I still hurt like hell but manageable most days. I had 3 or 4 discs in my neck that were troublesome. Had one removed plated and screwed. They went through my neck. My hand still goes numb but the neck pain is at least 75% better. The neck gets really stiff and hurts but it is better. My lumbar had 4 bad discs. I had surgery twice now with a discs partially and then completely removed a few years later. Tried everything prior to surgeries. Traction, Chiro, Injections, Steroids, pain clinics and management. The only that partially works now is 3-4 percocets (10/325mgs), 3-4 Flexerils, Celebrex, Nuerotin, and another that I take fo the side effects LOL. It cuasing heavy drowsiness and supposed to help increase your pain threshold.

I would suggest the neck surgery 100%. Lower back I say no surgery. They have not helped me and honestly I think they cause more issues.

BTW, I am 33 now and this started around 23 and first surgry was back in 04 I think. Good luck to all with similar issues.
Work on core strength. Better muscle control takes pressure off your spine.

Truf. Since I started working out regularly with a trainer, not only has my Army issue back pain (Any landing you can walk away from is NOT necessarily a good one, Lt!!) been lessened, but riding my sport bike feels better too.

Not to mention, don't cheap out on the seats in your rig! At least get some Corbeau's or something. Even before exercise, I could ride all day in my rig and be comfy (OK, a little more lumbar would be nice, but I'm not complaining).
I run on my elipticle 25minutes at least 4 times a week. I play in 3 softball leagues, usually 3 games a week in the outfield (constant running), I ride motoX about 3 weekends a month. My secret?.....I stretch before and after every activity especially my lower back. I work in a shop , concrete floors everyday, I stand more than I sit. I'm 40 and I feel like I'm not far off from the best shape I've been in , in my life. Stretching and not trying to "overlift" heavy stuff has been the savior of my back.
resurrecting this one.

After many visits, and improvement, I suddenly went down hill again. Ended up getting an MRI and seeing a Neurologist today. Ends up I have/have had a herniated L5 disc (the last disc in your spine) and it is pressing on my Sciatic and has it inflamed.

Had an Epidural Steroid shot today directly at the disc to hopefully reduce the swelling and heal everything. May take up to 3 shots to get the full benefits. May still end up in arthroscopic back surgery to have the hernia cut out.

Also, I may not regain full use of my right foot since the nerve has been pinched for so long. only time will tell on that. Currently I can't stand up on the front of my right foot. no signal getting from my brain to my calf muscle to say lift the weight of my body. kinda odd...and annoying.
This truly sucks, I hope you get this fixed.
i wrecked a bike when i was younger, really messed myself up and i live with back pain all the time. its horrible. like today at work, couldn't even install a cherokee lift
Be careful, once you have back surgery getting insurance to cover you is almost impossible. Workman's comp won't and without that you won't be hired! Ask me how I know!
Be careful, once you have back surgery getting insurance to cover you is almost impossible. Workman's comp won't and without that you won't be hired! Ask me how I know!

I was unaware of that, looks like it'll be every option possible to stay away from surgery for me. Mine has been flaring up lately making it hard to work, and actually caused me to have to get back out of my truck after sitting down in it. And lucky me "caught" about the hardest kicked soccer ball I've seen on a rec field with my right lower back tonight. Nothing like spinal pain and a hellacious bruise.... Hopefully my insurance at work will kick in soon so I can get back to trying to keep the pain in check.
Back issues suck. My xrays revealed I have the lower vertebrate in my neck and lower back are starting to curve the opposite way. I have a 16mm pelvic displacement causing a tilt on the ribcage and making the shoulders displace which in turn has caused the lower spine to curve towards the high side of the displacement in an effort to push it down and pull the low side up. It's causing alot of nerve impingements in doing this. Docs said it it curved the opposite way to counter balance its not to bad but being its going the way it is its doing a piss poor job or correcting itself. To many years of doing stupid stuff has caught up with me at an early age of 27