I know where your coming from. I had 7-8 herniated discs 8 years ago. Three surgeries later I still hurt like hell but manageable most days. I had 3 or 4 discs in my neck that were troublesome. Had one removed plated and screwed. They went through my neck. My hand still goes numb but the neck pain is at least 75% better. The neck gets really stiff and hurts but it is better. My lumbar had 4 bad discs. I had surgery twice now with a discs partially and then completely removed a few years later. Tried everything prior to surgeries. Traction, Chiro, Injections, Steroids, pain clinics and management. The only that partially works now is 3-4 percocets (10/325mgs), 3-4 Flexerils, Celebrex, Nuerotin, and another that I take fo the side effects LOL. It cuasing heavy drowsiness and supposed to help increase your pain threshold.
I would suggest the neck surgery 100%. Lower back I say no surgery. They have not helped me and honestly I think they cause more issues.
BTW, I am 33 now and this started around 23 and first surgry was back in 04 I think. Good luck to all with similar issues.