The Mint400- One thing is for certain: I'll take a bad finish over a good DNF any day of the week.
The Mint was one of the wildest race weeks I've ever had, and certainly one I'll never forget.
We rolled into Vegas Tuesday night, dropped the bags off at Caesars, and imediately hit the strip. We danced until 3:00am and then decided we should get at least 4 hours of sleep for the Wednesday parade. Woke up, rolled out the 4410 race car, then lined up for what was one of the coolest experiences I've been a part of: 97 race cars parading down the Las Vegas strip.
Engines were revving, sirens squealing, police escort, topless hookers, it was certainly an event.
The parade ended on Fremont street, where Bar Atomic was serving free Mint400 Oskar Blues beer. It was as cold as Val Kilmer in Top Gun, the tall boys went down effortlessly.
We partied at the parade, then got the car buttoned, got a quick pump on at the gym, then went back out to close down the night clubs.
Being very responsible though, I only raved until 4:00am, I have a big race coming up after all.
Thursday was a recovery day. The big boys in their Trophy Trucks were out qualifying, so we spent the day at the gym, then drinking mimosas for our Vitamin C race prep.
Thursday night however, was a whole other party unto itself! All of the vendors were out on Fremont street and I got to be a part of the Rugged Radios autograph session. We gave away a ton of swag and I had the good fortune of being sandwiched between two real, legit racers. So I got to sign hero cards by default

Thursday night we mixed up the routine a little. Instead of just going out glow stick raving all night, we decided to hit the casinos first....
then glow stick rave all night.
One of the table dealers confused me for someone famous, I tried to explain that I'm not actually famous in real life, just on the internet. This seemed to confuse and disappoint her enough to call the pit boss over to check my A-list table credentials. He was like- "Hey YouTube, if you take one more selfie in here, you're out". Soooooooooo.........
I took a selfie with the Pit Boss-
I see 5:00am on my watch, and knowing we have to be up in 3 hours for tech and contingency, we call it a night.
Friday...... O... M... Goodness!!!
I've never seen 150,000 horse power move so slow. 370 cars have to go through tech, and you have to PUSH your race car down Fremont St to the tech station. We were in line for over 9 hours! It was madness, but ultimately a TON of fun.
As we creep through the line.... I hear in the distance "Fucking Handsome Jay!!!! Well, they'll let anybody in this race I guess!!"
I turn around and see the King himself- Mr Shannon Campbell, he and his crew were just perusing through the line. Always here for the fans, I let him have a selfie

. Shannon's advice- "the whoops will suck, just hang on and don't crash and you'll have a hell of a time".
After Tech, I met up with my co-driver for the Mint: Travis Hatchet, driver of the 4873 car for a strategy session about Saturday. Travis and his girlfriend helped prep the car during the week, worked on race strategy, and generally just did everything an entire team would do. I could not have raced without them and my wife's help. They were awesome!!
We get to bed around 11:00pm Friday night, but have to set the alarm for a 3:00am race day wake up to get the car down to Primm, NV for staging..........
The alarm goes off as planned, and we are headed down to Primm.........