Man this Smoke is Crazy

my parents live in Edenton (20-30 minutes from Columbia) and my dad was telling me that when they came home from vacation on Sunday, his car was covered in ash and crap.
There was a good layer of smoke in the Randleman/Asheboro area last night.

I heard from one of of land ownwers that we lease land from that the fires have burned within a 1/2 mile of his property and cabin.

There's a decent bit of smoke here in K town. It's been getting worse all day.
I hope it comes to Jacksonville and burns my house down. then the EX can't get it in the settlement.

I don't, it's gotta go through my house to get there! Short out a drop cord, plug it in, and go to dinner if you must, but don't hope for Jones County to burn down so it can come get you. :beer: