Married...without children. Anyone else?

Twas my plan to stay a SINK just a few years ago but shit happens, not crazy about the married part, (3rd time is not a charm ), but my son is awesome!, stepsons, good boys as a whole but not my cup of tea. ...

I just want to say... This is kind of the problem. Intelligent... Productive members of society... Are not reproducing. While idiots are breeding.
I respect everyones decisions, I am 25, no kids. Not married either... But I figure one day Ill have a few little hellions.
Late 30's, married 15-years - after dating 3 years, have a 5-year old after being told not possible after the big "C"......loved the the first 13 years of the relationship - freedom, travel, parties, etc.

First time I held him, I knew I was home.
I used to say that smart, nice people should have kids because they'll raise them to be smart, nice people. I respect that people choose to have or not have children for lots of different reasons (or are unable to have children for any number of reasons) and it is none of my business.

I am ridiculously fortunate to have three healthy children to drive me insane and deprive me of sleep, money, and other fun things... but they are a lot of fun and I love them to the moon and back. Before we had them I heard lots of friends expressing their lack of desire to procreate because they liked their lifestyle. I didn't think it was necessary to give up our hobbies or lifestyle and I think we've proven that it is possible to continue living life for the ~18 years we spend raising and cohabiting with them. We continue to do the things we've always enjoyed, just with the kids along for the ride. Have we changed the way we do things to accommodate them & their needs? Sure. Have I tried a half-dozen times to write and post this comment since Thursday? Absolutely.
I used to say that smart, nice people should have kids because they'll raise them to be smart, nice people. I respect that people choose to have or not have children for lots of different reasons (or are unable to have children for any number of reasons) and it is none of my business.

I am ridiculously fortunate to have three healthy children to drive me insane and deprive me of sleep, money, and other fun things... but they are a lot of fun and I love them to the moon and back. Before we had them I heard lots of friends expressing their lack of desire to procreate because they liked their lifestyle. I didn't think it was necessary to give up our hobbies or lifestyle and I think we've proven that it is possible to continue living life for the ~18 years we spend raising and cohabiting with them. We continue to do the things we've always enjoyed, just with the kids along for the ride. Have we changed the way we do things to accommodate them & their needs? Sure. Have I tried a half-dozen times to write and post this comment since Thursday? Absolutely.

Well said.
Single, 42 & two great kids. Love it and would not change any of it except the single part. Someday?
46 (in 2 weeks) married for the second time for 7 1/2 years, no kids. First marriage didn't go well and I knew fairly quickly that there was no way I'd raise children with my ex. My current wife is older than me and when we started dating she told me she didn't want to have children. No problem for me & I appreciated her being up front & honest with me before we got married.
want one of mine? lol just kidding but kids are great of course its all i know these days .
I have a son and wouldn't trade him for anything! He is my pride and joy! Everytime I hear him yell DAAADDYY!! all the bad part of my day goes out the window! But if I was going to do it all over again.....NO WAY! With the way this world is and things happening in schools and what kids have to deal with I wouldn't put a kid through it.

We are doing our damnest to raise him right, to respect elders and others but it scares me to think what this world will be like by the time he is my age!
I'll let u know my final thoughts when I kick them out at 18.....until then it's anybodys game
But....wouldn't trade my 4yr old boy for anything.
2nd marriage and two young kids with my current wife. Everyday is a stuggle in some way, but I can't help but love'em. I wouldn't give them back, but I'm not sure I would do it again. Word of the day: Sacrifice
I think it's different for everyone. I have 2 here & 2 in Heaven. I wouldn't trade anything for them. I can understand why some people choose not to though as well. I am however most thankful for mine. Besides, Jody, you are great around kids & just cause y'all don't have any or want any doesn't mean you don't have something to give the kids you know. I know my son thinks your awesome! He asked me the other day if we still called you "Ultra Jody"!
I got my fix teaching middle school kids in Sunday School for years. I'd be a great dad and Lisa would be a terrific mother, but we both know, 100%, period, that we don't want any.
I knew I had quite a few friends on here in a similar situation and thought it would be a good thread. :popcorn:
I got my fix teaching middle school kids in Sunday School for years. I'd be a great dad and Lisa would be a terrific mother, but we both know, 100%, period, that we don't want any.
I knew I had quite a few friends on here in a similar situation and thought it would be a good thread. :popcorn:

As my wife would say, "If you can teach middle schoolers, you can about do anything...." She prefers to stick to teaching 2 and 3 year olds in Children's Church. They are every bit as attentive as middle schoolers, but less drama and angst.
The importance and influence (on a child's education and development) of interacting with other adults cannot be over emphasized. Parents are parents but aunts, uncles, friends, friends' parents, and mentors are so important to a kid learning how to talk to and work with people in the real world.

I'm grateful we have friends who can and will talk to (and listen to) my chatty & inquisitive 3-yo and my shy & curious 2-yo. Not to mention teach them to fish, take them for a ride in the RZR/Jeep, let them play with your dog, etc. You know who you are. ;)
well i have lived life all different ways. by the time i settled dn and wanted kids. the then 3rd wife with 2 daughters had the big H our first yr of marriage. so there went that idea. 15 yrs later and 5 grandchildren the big D. so for the last 7 yrs been back to dating, living with a few. and tried with 1. still no dice. recent happenings.... engaged and trying again. will see what happens.
Married 14 years , lived together for the last 19 years, never considered children. Josh (GONOVIRT) had a cookout and I was guilted into several turns on Skeletor the funnel and 9 months later my baby girl popped out. Very shortly after her birth, my wife lost her job and told me she was preggo again with my son, holy life change batman! God had a plan and so far it feels like a good one.
30 yrs old, me and my wife have been together almost 6 yrs and we both thought it was a good idea to wait to see if we wanted kids. We love our freedom and we enjoy beer lol this past thanksgiving we were granted custody via DSS of my wife's little sisters 6yr little girl. Life is a struggle presently and isn't looking to let up anytime soon. Point blank her sis is a drug addict piece of shit. Say a prayer for us lol
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