Me, my bronco, and hot steelers waitresses


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2005
Concord, NC
From yesterday's festivities...
Tailgating in the parking lot about noon with a few of Dixie's Tavern's finest. Life is tough. You can see I shined up the bronco for the day. (and ignore the chick on the left, she snuck in and was not really invited for these pics as she does not live up to the hotness of the other 2)

I'll take the one on the right and you can have the other 2. Where's all the beer?
Deuce 40s said:
I'll take the one on the right and you can have the other 2. Where's all the beer?
First, the one in the middle had this ass that was walking by all night and made it difficult to concentrate on the game...

And, here's all the beer...
hahaha, minus the chicks, it looks like my superbowl party. and what are doing with your hand in your pocket?
Deuce 40s said:
hahaha, minus the chicks, it looks like my superbowl party. and what are doing with your hand in your pocket?
Not me. I'm behind the camera.