metal scrap - real value

I generate a lot of small but heavy scrap gear set's, axle housings,tube drops,cut off brackets etc. Around 1000lb a month and I always let a buddy load it and haul it and we split the cash but now I'm giving him the scrap and a little gas money on top just to keep it from piling up. Mcutler explained it to me a while back about scrap runs with gas prices so I'm really not going to complain since the lower gas price has really helped my household and my customers are spending a lot more money now due to that.

Oh and cutler is the man to see if you have cores and cats!
Ok, sounds like they had a fair margin.
As of 4 o'clock today they are payin 3.50/100 for scrap and 4.00/100 for cars.The local place is just bout 4 miles from me so its not out of my way to go by there.
All my customers ask me when steel will be back to 15/100lb, cats average 100, batteries 16, wheels 20...and my reply is always...."when you see gas at near $5 at the pump"

I'm probably the only person on this board who wishes for that...

Being invested in energy stocks for the long-haul, I am in that boat as well.