Millitary vets and active, what branch, where served, what did you do

I waited till most of our vets and active service persons replied.
Just want to thank you all. I know not all of you had the opportunity to face the enemy, but all of you had a job that was and is related to the success of what the Military does.

You are all, My hero's!

U.S. Army Reserve 1984-1990 Combat engineer, D Co, 368th Eng Bt Cmbt (hvy) Saw active status in Honduras (of all places) Dual mos 64c/64e Hauled heavy Equipment around and then operated the same to build stuff. Honorable discharge E-5, If it hadn't been for dying parents and no one to care for them I would have gone and stayed active. Probably the most interesting time of my life. Thank you ALL for your service, YOU are what makes this the greatest nation on earth! :usa:
us navy august 2008 - present
EN3 engineman 3rd class (e-4)

great lakes, il for boot camp and a-school
USS New york (lpd 21) plank owner
special operations @ little creek amphibious base, va
naval station norfolk for air conditioning and refrigeration c-school
Pc crew Golf (presently) going to Bahrain to patrol oil platforms in less than a month
I was put in the same unit that was in the Beirut Embassy which was blown up in Oct 1983 as a replacement.

1/1 right? Did you follow them to Oki/Subic/Pohang in '84? I was assigned to them during their training tour...

USS Austin 6 months

The LPD-4 USS Austin? If so, you must have pissed somebody off BAD to get assigned to that POS! :beer:
The USS Austin and the USS Raleigh were both POS's. They decommissioned the Raleigh after our float. After both 6 months floats I took to the Med, I realized how great we have it here in America. And people that live here still seem to complain about petty crap all the time.
USAF '79-'83. EW Systems tech on F-15 Eagles. Still one of the baddest birds in the air ofter almost 40 years in services.
2 years of it over in Germany.