MOTD (Meme of the Day)

100% me. If somebody is riding my bumper, I will immediately slow down lol. Really pisses them off then. Should have left sooner.
Clearly you don’t have a wife or kids :laughing:
I stepped on a rusty nail when I was a small kid and it went thru my foot and came out the top of my shoe. I freaked and yanked it out and ran to my dad and the adults who proceeded to put my ass on the kitchen counter and hold me down and clean it out with alcohol and a pocket knife and then flushed it out with Mercurochrome as best that they could. Jeez that makes me cringe, I haven't thought of that in years! 😅
I stepped on a rusty nail when I was a small kid and it went thru my foot and came out the top of my shoe. I freaked and yanked it out and ran to my dad and the adults who proceeded to put my ass on the kitchen counter and hold me down and clean it out with alcohol and a pocket knife and then flushed it out with Mercurochrome as best that they could. Jeez that makes me cringe, I haven't thought of that in years! 😅
Crazy, I was 15? late 70s, I was helping a neighbor moving his business to Apex. The power was off and we were moving a large ladder into the garage. I was walking backward when I stepped on nail in 2x4 that went into my foot. I fell down and yelled, I grabbed my foot and it took few pulls to get the nail out of my foot and shoe. I went outside and sat down and took my shoe and sock off, lots of blood and saw a purple dot where the nail almost came out in middle top of my foot. John took me to ER and the doc numbed it and pulled out many pieces of rusted nail out and irrigated it and wrapped it tight. I could'nt sleep that night it hurt bad like my foot would explode. The doc was worried about sepsis. My mother was RN and she would take the dressing off and wrap it back w new guaze again for a few weeks. It took about month for I could walk ok.
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