My mother would give me a 2 liter of coke too haha
We had 2 TVs as a kid. The "good" TV was the color tube down in the living room.
You’re missing the bubble gum flavored pesto bismol
Ha, my dad just gave me coffee and sent me on my way
I don’t think there is. More truthful accurate meme on the interwebz.
Has a black woman ever even crashed a commercial airliner? Or is it just white men?
Now if that is actually the flight crew, we'd have a good joke on our hands.
YesNow if that is actually the flight crew, we'd have a good joke on our hands.
Which one you pickin?
The book endsWhich one you pickin?
Kinda like beer. If it gets the job done who's complaining.
CorrectThe book ends
And I identify as a 13yr old boy (mentally, as well as with my bedroom skilz) so all is wellThat left bookend looks like she's about 15....