MOTD (Meme of the Day)

That’s probably the train ride where she took pictures of herself sitting on the floor with her luggage. She then tweeted out a nasty gram about the trains being overcrowded and having to sit on floor and so on. The train company fired back with the truth saying her and her entire entourage sat in first class for the duration of the trip throughout Europe. I’m not sure if it’s her, her entourage, or the media I hate. I’ll just hate them all to make sure.
That’s probably the train ride where she took pictures of herself sitting on the floor with her luggage. She then tweeted out a nasty gram about the trains being overcrowded and having to sit on floor and so on. The train company fired back with the truth saying her and her entire entourage sat in first class for the duration of the trip throughout Europe. I’m not sure if it’s her, her entourage, or the media I hate. I’ll just hate them all to make sure.
I think by saying you abhor (PC term for hate) hypocrites and grandstanders, you cover all your bases....