MOTD (Meme of the Day)

I can’t remember the comedian or the entire bit. But, he was lost in Atlanta and the surroundings were getting worse and worse and he didn’t know where to go and didn’t want to ask. So he GPS’d* directions to the nearest Barnes and Noble because he knew it was a safe neighborhood

*maybe it was onstar
Assuming your numbers are correct, that’s just shy of 10 cases (9.8cases)

pretty sure there are folks in this forum alone that consume pert near that in a month, let alone a year...

Aw, hell. Been resisting the urge to reveal just how lightweight you guys are. Learned how to drink beer from Beldar in the early 70's. Figure 10-12 per day. Every day. Weekends more. COVID? Off the charts. The math will stagger you... ;-)