MOTD (Meme of the Day)

Was working in Wake Forest today and one of the lineman is always joking around. He mentioned to our waitress he's had the sniffles & a headache all week and her expression was very similar!
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Yet Most people will try to negotiate the plumber to lower his bill.
Search all over town for the electrician who is $8 cheaper.
Botch about the cost of healthcare.
Yet not once have I ever heard someone say "Im a fan of the Steelers because their tickets are cheaper than the Browns" or "I went to that movie because it was cheaper than the other one"

So when we vote with our wallet we minimize the importance of necessities and when we align with our "hearts" we dont care about money.
Yet Most people will try to negotiate the plumber to lower his bill.
Search all over town for the electrician who is $8 cheaper.
Botch about the cost of healthcare.
Yet not once have I ever heard someone say "Im a fan of the Steelers because their tickets are cheaper than the Browns" or "I went to that movie because it was cheaper than the other one"

So when we vote with our wallet we minimize the importance of necessities and when we align with our "hearts" we dont care about money.

Watch it I'm a yankee and so is my wife (house divided between OH and PA) But I've been here more than half my life so I'm almost a native. I did come down here to marry a Southern Bell and married a damn Yankee.
We have a friend that "Botches" about Health Care that also pays over 10K in property taxes. It is all about choices we make in our lifestyle.
Yet Most people will try to negotiate the plumber to lower his bill.
Search all over town for the electrician who is $8 cheaper.
Botch about the cost of healthcare.
Yet not once have I ever heard someone say "Im a fan of the Steelers because their tickets are cheaper than the Browns" or "I went to that movie because it was cheaper than the other one"

So when we vote with our wallet we minimize the importance of necessities and when we align with our "hearts" we dont care about money.

It's true though, people will spend $30k on a bathroom remodel because their tile looks dated, and then price-shop every painter in town to recoat the 4 walls of a single 10x12 bedroom.

We live next to a few huge tract home neighborhoods, and it's amusing (local social media is fun) to see the number of people who buy a $350k tract home and then want to spend bottom dollar to get anything fixed. Lots of "I need ____ fixed and Company X said it would be $120 and that sounds like too much" or "They said it would be $120 and I can't afford that". How do you live in a $350k house (usually with two luxury cars in the driveway), but can't afford a necessary $120 home repair...?
It's true though, people will spend $30k on a bathroom remodel because their tile looks dated, and then price-shop every painter in town to recoat the 4 walls of a single 10x12 bedroom.

We live next to a few huge tract home neighborhoods, and it's amusing (local social media is fun) to see the number of people who buy a $350k tract home and then want to spend bottom dollar to get anything fixed. Lots of "I need ____ fixed and Company X said it would be $120 and that sounds like too much" or "They said it would be $120 and I can't afford that". How do you live in a $350k house (usually with two luxury cars in the driveway), but can't afford a necessary $120 home repair...?

They spend so much on their house and cars to maintain an imaginary status with their fake friends they can't afford anything else.

They spend so much on their house and cars to maintain an imaginary status with their fake friends they can't afford anything else.


This is the only real justification I can think of. I see these people getting $1200 stimulus checks, and they're on house hunters like 'we want beach front and no less than 5,000sq/ft'. Cool your tits there sharpen colored pencils and your wife makes pubic hair yarn. And it's not being salty, I know for a fact I make more than 95% of those people, but I also know I'm not part of that 75% of America that couldn't afford a $500 emergency. So I'm totally fine with it, I just can't wrap my head around making the decision of being cash poor.
This is the only real justification I can think of. I see these people getting $1200 stimulus checks, and they're on house hunters like 'we want beach front and no less than 5,000sq/ft'. Cool your tits there sharpen colored pencils and your wife makes pubic hair yarn. And it's not being salty, I know for a fact I make more than 95% of those people, but I also know I'm not part of that 75% of America that couldn't afford a $500 emergency. So I'm totally fine with it, I just can't wrap my head around making the decision of being cash poor.
Ive told it here before.
I have a young single dude who rents a single wide trailer from me for $625/month and bought a BRAND NEW KING RANCH DIESEL F350 4WD...and lifted it and put wheels and tires on it the week he bought it.

Last time I seen him though his shirt sleeve made me think it might be worth there is that.