MOTD (Meme of the Day)

Looks like every Cherokee @77GreenMachine drives hours to deal on

Why would you bring that up? I’m still sore about that. 8 hours of driving and gas I’ll never get back. But, I bought a gooseneck instead.
We had a Jeep in my old shop once that we bought for parts. The guy moved from Buffalo and drove his XJ down, decided to sell it when he got here. It had rust but was nice inside. Gave him $500 for it knowing it was rusted. We put it on the lift and started stripping it. Luckily we hadn't started lifting it up yet, but my buddy was inside pulling the seats. He's a big guy, a little bigger than me, and he was standing on the inside yanking on one of the seats when both his feet went through the floor and he was standing on the concrete. Luckily he was tall and the Jeep wasn't high on the lift or else he'd have dingled his jingles on the transmission hump. :lol:

We put it up in the air and realized that the only thing holding together the floors was the carpet. :lol:
Actually, Oregon is about all natural products. Coke has way too many carcinogens and is SO Wall Street. You need to think green :)
Tell me about these carcinogens....asking for a friend
Ask the state of Kalifornia. According to them, EVERYTHING currently on the commercial market seems to contain them :).
Coke is on the commercial market?
How much are plane tickets to cali?
Asking for that same friend