MOTD (Meme of the Day)

I'm seeing claims out there that there's at least one guy that's cleared $10mil today. Illicit gain is illicit gain, but if that's true, I certainly wouldn't want to be that dude. A few grand here or there, kinda tough to prove a day trader didn't just catch a trend and get lucky.

A guy at work CLAIMS he made $25,000 this week off of it.
We don't really believe it .......
I have no idea what's going on with GameStop and Reddit, but these memes are funny!

Lemme give you the skinny. A bunch of rich hedge fund Wall Street fucks are shorting GameStop stocks. A bunch of millennials with stimmy checks are like fuck the man, we grew up on GameStop and love it. Millennials also be like, I didn’t get cheap college, stable jobs, cheap houses, and I’m locked up in the house and with years of online World of Warcraft coordination (they have a set of skills, a specific set of skills) Imma watch the world burn. The hedge funds can’t cover what they leveraged, and are going bankrupt. Now these investment apps are disallowing transactions for some of the targeted businesses.

All is fair in love and capitalism, IMO. However, the best way to end up disappearing is fucking with rich peoples money...sooooo. And I’m almost positive this will be labeled as ‘market manipulation’ some how. Also, now you have an obsolete business/model with a ridiculously overinflated valuation on paper, that’s worthless on the street. But I’m really curious to see how all this plays out, not like you can ban day traders, and what’s stopping groups of people from strategically doing this one business at a time.
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Lemme give you the skinny. A bunch of rich hedge fund Wall Street fucks are shorting GameStop stocks. A bunch of millennials with stimmy checks are like fuck the man, we grew up on GameStop and love it. Millennials also be like, I didn’t get cheap college, stable jobs, cheap houses, and I’m locked up in the house and with years of online World of Warcraft coordination they have a set of skills, a specific set of Imma watch the world burn. The hedge funds can’t cover what they leveraged, and are going bankrupt. Now these investment apps are disallowing transactions for some of the targeted businesses.

All is fair in love and capitalism, IMO. However, the best way to end up disappearing is fucking with rich peoples money...sooooo. And I’m almost positive this will be labeled as ‘market manipulation’ some how. Also, now you have an obsolete business/model with a ridiculously overinflated valuation on paper, that’s worthless on the street. But I’m really curious to see how all this plays out, not like you can ban day traders, and what’s stopping groups of people from strategically doing this one business at a time.
I was thinking the same thing in relation to your last sentence. This will certainly be labeled as manipulation, which is nothing new but since it was done by outsiders, it'll get shut down quick. Is there a list of hedge funds that are getting screwed over? Asking for a friend.... :laughing:
Well and it gets more complicated because... stocks havent reflected fair market value of a company for a long, long time.
They are based on hunches and projections and the buzz word "sentimentality and appeal".

So now the masses miss the good ole days when Blackberry ruled the world. Blackberry (RIM - research in motion) has no value. They dont exsist they dont have an office but there is still as hell and common sock out there lieing around.

So the millenials have decided...I miss blackberry. Ill ay $20 for a share of blackberry thatw as only worth has "sentimentality and appeal"...well guess what company is suddenly worth $100MM again?...

The hedge fund guys have done it forever, now they are being exposed at their own game.
And it all started because an analyst made a snide comment about how video gamers arent productive memebrs of society on CNBC and pissed off silicone valley wannabes...

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