MOTD (Meme of the Day)


Tree gump?


Star Battle
I thought that was to play a carnival game.
You know the one where you shoot the water gun into the clowns nose.
Yeah like that only...perhaps Ive said too much

One of the few things my dad ever ‘splurged’ on was cover scent. Wisconsin deer season was a week long, one deer and it had to be a good one to keep meat in the freezer for a while. He splurged on extracted skunk spray/scent. Couldn’t have been more than a 2oz bottle, but was $300 and would last 10ish years. A drop on each boot, each hand and on the neck…rub it in and you’re golden. Growing up with that and using the same scent early in my hunting days, now means when I see a dead skunk in the road, I’ll huff that shit like a 6th grader with a can of compressed air.
the truth is startling
I had a '75 Chevy 1/2-ton beater, one day the PO installed 3-speed floor shifter fell off the trans while driving down I-85...pulled off to the side & saw a similar concrete drainage ditch - the most comfortable roadside repair ever.

I did reinstall the 2-3 shift lever upside down, so when I shifted from 1st to 3rd, acceleration suffered while merging back onto I-85.
heehee somebody has a sense of humor
