MOTD (Meme of the Day)

My wife and I go thru this all the time so This is brilliant but I don’t know where Madagascar is.
Pretty sure I made that same dish several times in college at 3am after coming home from the bar. Substitute mustard in place of ketchup obviously
Thank goodness we had a Hardee's on campus and they started serving breakfast at 3am. So I got two sausage biscuits for a dollar. Of course this was back in 87-88.
3am!?!?!?! That means they gotta start making biscuits at like midnight!
Nah. I worked at Bojangles for 5 years and got my Master biscuit maker status in 1986. I could have a tray of biscuits made and out of the oven in less than 30 minutes.
I watched a TV show once call "how to live without a mortgage" of the segments was exactly this....the "trick" was to pay off your mortgage....THANKS!
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I recall one time I actually ordered something at target because of the better deal. brought a woman to go pick it up. worse decision I ever made. walked out of there spending 3x more than the paid-for item that was supposed to be a 5min pickup