MR-DIY is a thief

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Tacoma747 said:
My 2 cents worth:

Did he SAY the tranny was good? If not, then it is not his problem.

I seem to remember buying a 4-runner from someone, them saying the tranny was fine, just the release bearing was making a little noise. After about 950 miles of driving it, it started stinking the whole 4-runner up with the smell of gear oil. At about 1000 miles, all the gears went out but 4th gear. I had changed the gear oil in tranny/t-case when I got it, so they were full, both had what looked like stop-leak (tiny aluminum colored chips) in them when I drained them. He also said it did not leak, but it does (rear main I think), this was also before I changed the tranny so it was not because of me.

He did not make anything right with me, the only thing he offered to do was to sell me a shifter when I put a topshift case in it instead of the forward shift one he did a botch job to make fit in it. I even bought a 2nd tranny from him that I was going to rebuild and put it in down the road (I was expecting to get 10K-30K out of the one in it). Well that tranny was toast, nothing inside it was in good cond...

Guess who this guy was...

1. he said the tranny was good.

2. I said the input bearing was bad, not the release bearing, big difference check your manual. the release bearing was brand new along with your brand new clutch, and pilot bearing.

3. There was no stop leak in the tranny, try metal shavings from your gears.

4. I never said it did not leak, and the vehicle was 20 years old may want to expect a few leaks from a 2o year old vehicle.

5. The second tranny i sold you i told you was bad and that i was just selling you the topshift case on the back of it for a $100 which is a fair deal.

6. To make it right i told you i had a third tranny that was bad you could have it to rebuild it or take parts from it to make one good one. Or that you could buy a good w-56 from me that i just got from the 86 4runner i parted out and knew was good b/c i drove on it for a $100 dollars with trade back for the two bad ones b/c the t-cases were good on them. Which was a very fair deal.

7. Then I told you that i would buy back the topshift from you for a $100 bucks what i sold it to you and patrick would pay you for it, since you guys live close together.

8. The differnce in these two situations- you all knowing web wheeler you got to drive the 4runner with said tranny and in all your expierence should be able to tell if a tranny is good or not you drove it.

9. I did say that i thought it would be fine and i still believe that i would have drove on it, and i was wrong my fault, but really how is opne suppossed to know when a tranny will fail.

10. I did do a hack job on the fitment that is true.

11. Lastly, I remeber standing there with my wife telling you not to buy the black 4runner buy the blue one b/c i already had it sold as long as it had a good tranny which was what i intended to do. I repeadetly told you not to buy it. the blue one was better.

In short you got to test the tranny before purchasing i did not.
both had what looked like stop-leak (tiny aluminum colored chips)
HAHA now that's funny. i bet the blinker fluid was low on it too... thanks for again reminding me what a dumbass you are with that whole post.
I didn't read the whole thread but I've already agreed to make it right with Chase. I'm not what he makes me out to be. I'm not out to stick anybody and I'm tired of bickering about it.

end of story.
ridefast said:
end of story?
we think not

I've told him ( before I read or knew about this post) that I'd make it right.
so where is it your business to say "we think not"... you got a mouse in your pocket. mind your own business.
for all who care- I've agreed to give him what he requested for and be done with it and apologized for the mis-understandings and all the bs we both went through. it's not worth it and I didn't mean for it to get to this or even for it to be hard for either of us.

I understand the wheelin' community hates assholes and I do too... I just got on the wrong side of this deal. money is really tight but I will make it right with him ASAP!

He did tell me he would make it it right, but it has been months. So i posted this since it has not been taken care of. He just said he would make it right again via PM, and hopefully he will when he does i have no beef and will give him a spare on the trail or swim in the mud to fix his junk. I don't think he is a bad guy I think he just sold a bad part. It needs to be taken care of.
Then I'm locking this thread, when he makes it right, post that please, so his name will clear. If he doesn't, post that also.
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