MR-DIY is a thief

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
Durham, NC
MR-DIY on this board jason Ellis stole my money.

I gave him $80 dollars and a toyota topshift t-case for a sami tranny. the tranny was bad, he says he will send my money for weeks and now he says he doesn't have it and won't give it back.

He also says that my t-case is bad and i said it was good(I never said it was good, i said i didn't know). He said he was diong 4.7's in the rear case so he would be rebuilding the whole thing anyway so it didn't matter. Honestly why would i give him $80 and a $100 dollar t-case for a trannny that is worth $60.

So now he won't even give me my t-case back says he got water in it. I am so pissed.

He also had a detroit locker for sale for $200 i told him i would give him $125 for it and we would call it even. But he is now keeping it for his rig. I have tried to make it easy for him to make it right.

I know he got kicked off of zuwarrie already.

Don't do any business with this asshole.
i can vouch for chase (Cperry) being a stand up guy in transactions, so i can only assume this guy isn't...
that kind of crap is bullshit. no to mention you had to install the tranny to find out it was bad. then take it back out, buy another one, and reinstall that one. bullshit that people will do this stuff over 80 bucks or a t-case.
Same here. Chase got my brakes working for HALF the lowest shop estimate I got, had to modify some things to do it and told me what and why. I'd trust him to say what he means and do what he says.
There is am easy solution!!!!!!!

Just find out where he lives and either go over there with police and get it back or just take a bunch of guys over there and let him see you mean business. TAKE HIM TO COURT!!!! And I would hope that our great MODERATORS and guys in charge on this BOARD would banned him as easy as they have others in the past.:D If this kid gets shut out of everyboard he is on he will not be to happy. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


PS. Thats why you got to watch out for people and money now days!!!!
I smell another ban coming up..Ah love the smell of christmas
*bad ideas*

PS. Thats why you got to watch out for people and money now days!!!!

I thought it was still OK to be careless with money...I Musta missed the memo...:flipoff2:
Just post the story on PBB as was mentioned above... I have a funny feling he will soon enough be coming clean
Or not getting a lot of sleep

Can anyone say Wenzel??:flipoff2:

Man WHY do people insist on f***ing with people we have so much in common with? After all its not the peopl on the home remodeling board who are going to help out wheen you bust u-joint on the backside of upper 2 and our dumb ass didn't bring a spare... i mean not that I've been there or anything just a for example...
thats so fawked up to screw someone over, especially since we are kind of like a big family
* Pass around the hot chocolate and have a lovely snowball fight*

i cleaned it up and made it PC carl so dont get nervous

Just erase the qoute there and we wont have any problem.


PS. Its not my problem with money to this kid i just feel bad for our friend on this board that got ripped off by another member of this board.:mad:
I want to see his (MR DIY) input on this, but Chase is a good guy, and I'd be hard pressed to change my gut feeling on this..
Well shit. My dealings with Perry have been on the up and up. Stand up guy. Jason might have just fawked up.

Hey Jason, set this right would ya?
yea that kid is a theif. i can vouch for cperry, he sold me a sammi with a bad motor and then bought and helped me install a new one when he found out the old was was blown. not somthing he was obligated to do but he did
yea that kid is a theif. i can vouch for cperry, he sold me a sammi with a bad motor and then bought and helped me install a new one when he found out the old was was blown. not somthing he was obligated to do but he did

When did that happen?
What exactly is wrong with the tranny? It was in my Samurai before I sold it to him. If you want it fixed I can make it right.
so where is Mr_DIY his response is absent, is there a reason for this or has he just not checked the board who knows
he pm'd me today after this post and said he would give me half he is still keeping my t-case. i am confused on how that is fair.

and i told him there was water in it, he pressure washed it and painted it and said he tried to be carefull when pressure washing it. I assume it probably sat outside for a while.
My 2 cents worth:

Did he SAY the tranny was good? If not, then it is not his problem.

I seem to remember buying a 4-runner from someone, them saying the tranny was fine, just the release bearing was making a little noise. After about 950 miles of driving it, it started stinking the whole 4-runner up with the smell of gear oil. At about 1000 miles, all the gears went out but 4th gear. I had changed the gear oil in tranny/t-case when I got it, so they were full, both had what looked like stop-leak (tiny aluminum colored chips) in them when I drained them. He also said it did not leak, but it does (rear main I think), this was also before I changed the tranny so it was not because of me.

He did not make anything right with me, the only thing he offered to do was to sell me a shifter when I put a topshift case in it instead of the forward shift one he did a botch job to make fit in it. I even bought a 2nd tranny from him that I was going to rebuild and put it in down the road (I was expecting to get 10K-30K out of the one in it). Well that tranny was toast, nothing inside it was in good cond...

Guess who this guy was...
Tacoma747 said:
My 2 cents worth:

Did he SAY the tranny was good? If not, then it is not his problem.

I seem to remember buying a 4-runner from someone, them saying the tranny was fine, just the release bearing was making a little noise. After about 950 miles of driving it, it started stinking the whole 4-runner up with the smell of gear oil. At about 1000 miles, all the gears went out but 4th gear. I had changed the gear oil in tranny/t-case when I got it, so they were full, both had what looked like stop-leak (tiny aluminum colored chips) in them when I drained them. He also said it did not leak, but it does (rear main I think), this was also before I changed the tranny so it was not because of me.

He did not make anything right with me, the only thing he offered to do was to sell me a shifter when I put a topshift case in it instead of the forward shift one he did a botch job to make fit in it. I even bought a 2nd tranny from him that I was going to rebuild and put it in down the road (I was expecting to get 10K-30K out of the one in it). Well that tranny was toast, nothing inside it was in good cond...

Guess who this guy was...

you may want to think about how many people have insight to this situation, and who else offered you cash for the troubles. that being said you can edit your post or reply to this. i was at devils playground when you 2 had that conversation, you can't play both sides rockdust fab.
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