my 84 reg. cab buildup


New Member
Jun 23, 2005
Smithfield, NC
I don't have a digital camera. I took pics of my " new to me" 84 Toyota p/u today and had WalMart develop them to a cd for me.
I opened a photobucket acct. so I could host my pics. when I put in the pic cd it makes me download "walmart's picture software and hosting service" but I can't figure out how to just transfer the "pic cd" to my hard drive (my pictures folder)...... from there I can get them into my photobucket album.

Please Help me b/c I want to show off my new turd!!!! :beer: :lol:
You'll want to go ahead and install the "Picture It Express" software from that CD along with the pics. It gives you a program you can use to modify the pics, including cropping and adjusting brightness, etc.

Once that's done, you'll be able to Save As all your pics to wherever you want to put them, and tinker with them too.
got it figured out....... thanks anyways...... here's a few of a TON of pics I took today. guess this'll be my "buildup thread"
It's an 84 Toy with 25k on a 22R and a rebuilt tranny. needs some TLC but it'll get it. enjoy
Day One Lots of Pics- sorry









EDIT: Could a Mod please move this to the appropriate forum. thanks.
also could you change the title to: "my 84 reg. cab buildup" :beer:
here's the update after an afternoon of bustinass' woohoo it's even fuglier 8)

here's the pics ( is anybody reading this???? ) I am
PS- sorry for the bluriness... I was moving and my digi cam cost $20 brand new :joke:
Outside 1

Outside 2

Outside 3
First off..... thank you for actually posting up. I didn't think anyone cared :)

yes there are several projects in the driveway but the blue zuk is going away tomorrow b/c I traded it for some toy parts today :D

not super sure on the "plan" 38"s... longs... low c.o.g. ... tube bed... f150 springs rear... Hybrid Rears Up Front... interior cage... painted dark blue w/ black sr5 stripes.... twin case with 4.7's in rear... Detroit locker Front... welded rear.... hydro assist.... That's about it for now :beer:
why are you stripping it down (body parts?)

Looks like a good place to start...truggys are cool!

my digi cam crapped out so no new pics BUT.... I got it completely sanded and everything is in primer except the hood. now I gotta sand with some 220 then another coat of primer....wet sand/wash and paint away! tubbing firewall before paint. pics soon

using RustOleum- Heavy Rusted Metal Primer... works pretty well
painting with RustOleum- "Tractor" Style Paint... whatever is at WalMart

gonna spray a coat of navy blue "rock lube" later :beer:

will get new camera asap :smokin:
Get us some damn tube already. I gotta fix my junk or I can't go with you losers. I can help you fockers this week if you'll help with mine next weekend. And clean out your PM box already :flipoff2:
here's a few poor update pics... even more around Monday or so... thanks

Interior Stripped with wheel tubs Done!

Cab in Primer

shot of it painted with the 36"s on and re-assembled!

one more

getting bedlined in the morning and then starting on flatbed and a little more sheetmetal removal + re-assemble some of interior

jimmy- I pm'd you and cleaned out my pm box. thanks :rolleyes:
I forgot about my own buildup thread. I'm retarded sorry. well here's where I am :lol:

got rear springs in, ubolt flip kits, rear 14" procomps and mounts, 1 Ford Tower and 14" pro comp done (1 to go), radiator repaired and in, building Front Dshaft, 2" BS 15 x 8 krawlers, 36"s mounted w/o tubes, sliders almost ready to install, gas tank plumbed and running well. that's it lately. gotta go wheeling next w/k.

have to finish Front Dshaft, 1 more Ford Tower, bleed brakes and install rear brakehose, sliders, finish welding backside of front spring hanger (HARD 4 ME), low psi steering fitting. that's it for this week. would like to get my HELLA lights up front so I can ditch the stock lights- they are gay.
3/4 shot

it IS on a hill but does sit about 1.5" high up front (gonna pull a leaf after this w/k)

getting dark but a profile shot
Sweet! Nice job on the back half, I'd like to do something similar to that on my chevy someday. Let us know how it does on its first trip out! I do love the old yotas despite my sig lol. :beer:
thanks man... I love this truck too. I suck at welding so enjoy the pics b4 it falls apart april 1st :D

Thanks Burley! nah- I wouldn't sell this for anything near reasonable LOL
wow that looks umm... Awesome really came out nice good to see the hard work payed off. keep us updated
looks good dude. what kind of bender did you use?
today- I......

-finished building the front Driveshaft and installed it (got 3" of inward travel... enough?) I Dunno...

-finally got the nerve to weld in the back side of the front spring hanger ( 6 2.5" beads) burned the crap out of myself, but it's up there for good now.

- got the passenger side slider completely welded on (had to make a 3rd leg b/c I cut one wrong)... I am gonna add some gussets after this w/k but they'll be ok for now (it's just uwharrie)

- and I got all 4 shocks mounted.

hopefully I can get it leveled out ( bring up the rear or lower the front? ) build a bumper, tie the bed into the sliders and the sliders into the bumper (maybe), dual case it in the next 2 weeks. woohoo.

btw- my welding was much improved tonight for some reason... think I got the heat/wire just right