NC weighted tag info question

Maybe I'm reading it different, but I interpret it as saying the tag must physically state "weighted" unless it is a special registration plate, but that does NOT exempt the registration from needing to be for the correct weight.

That's exactly what it means. Registration has to cover the weight of the truck, trailer, and cargo.

I've got farm tags now but for the price of the tags and the 0 times I've been weighed in over a decade, I should've said fuck it.

Just because you haven't been pulled over doesn't mean they didn't check. I've had troopers pull up on my back corner and run my plates lots of times.
I towed with a half ton many times with no weighted tag. Technically with the camper I’m probably over my current weighted tag. I really feel like for the most part they aren’t paying any attention to us guys towing for some recreation. It’d really be more of if you got stopped for something else, or was in an accident.

Just FYI, when towing a camper you only need to be covered for the weight on the truck tires. They don't factor in the weight of the camper aside from the tongue weight. You may already know this but some don't.
Just FYI, when towing a camper you only need to be covered for the weight on the truck tires. They don't factor in the weight of the camper aside from the tongue weight. You may already know this but some don't.

I didn’t know that. I think I’m still over without the camper. Camper weighs 1200lbs, the truck is 6600lbs, Jeep is 4500lbs, trailer with tools and stuff is 2500lbs, with a 12k tag.
Just FYI, when towing a camper you only need to be covered for the weight on the truck tires. They don't factor in the weight of the camper aside from the tongue weight. You may already know this but some don't.
His "camper" is a slide-in truck camper
Ahh, well a slide in camper wouldn't count then. BUT if it is affixed in such a manner that it is NOT removable (although anything is removable with a torch) you might could get it reclassified as an RV and then there would be no worry about a weighted tag. It makes sense to do on a big truck but doubt it is a worthwhile investment on a F350 or smaller.