Need advice or info: Facebook marketplace

Protect me from this douche...who the fawk off nc4x4 took you to court?
HE IS no longer on here , well he is but not active .. was a newbie on here told him in rowan court house I would blast him on here if he made a post lol .. I am honest as day is long but when I put off getting money i try to be business man lol
Well, he responded! He got pissed and then said he didn't appreciate people like me :lol: yeah, I'm sorry I allowed you to keep two cords of wood on my property, rent free, for 6 months. What a bastard I am :lol:

I followed up and told him to come get it to which he said he was done. "Keep the wood, keep the money, I'm done with you".

Do you think I should sell it again?
Hell yes sell it again.
If your conscience concerns you, sell it cheap, and consider it as the first guy doing a favor for the second guy. You did everything you could have done.

I would have a hard time not replying back to this guy blasting him for trying to make you out to be the bad guy when you gave him free rent for 6 months. But that wouldn't go anywhere useful, dude it obviously clueless.
I wouldn't be greedy. I'd have no second thoughts about keeping the money but would post it free or cheap if you truly need it gone.
Better yet the veterans ride at unf is known to have a big bonfire.....donate to that cause if someone would handle it.
Come get it
I know a vet who hauled a load down one year...where abouts are you?
Mom never told me where the Seafood got served.