Netflix heads up


Samurai Frogger
Mar 21, 2005
Stokes Co. NC
"Oh, Brother. Where Art Thou?" is on Netflix .... gonna watch it again today.

That is all.

Do not seek the treasure!

I don't think there's a day that goes by that I don't use a quote from this movie. I'm the paterfamilius!
For those who have never noticed.....

Oh Brother is an old story, centuries old. It is a remake of Homer's The Oddesey!
And stay out of the Woolsworth!
Gopher Everette?
No thanks Delmar....a third of a gopher would only arouse my appetite without bedding it back down.
Watch your language, young man, this is a public market. I can order it for you; have it in a couple of weeks.
Any of you boys smittys? Or if not smittys, per se, otherwise trained in the metallurgic arts before pursuing a life of aimless wandering?

I'm watching it for the 347th time right now :D
I had to be at this here crossroads last midnight...sell my soul to the devil. He taught me to play this here guitar real good.

Oh, son, for that you traded your ever lasting soul?!

Well....I won't using it!
Is you is, or is you ain't my constituents?