Never thought.......

Sounds like having kids would eat into my wheeling budget.

That $50 copay to Asheville Urological Associates back in 2007 continues to pay dividends.


As aggravating as kids are, they are fun X10000

Can't wait to get them out on the trail and share my trail riding enjoyment to pass it on to the next generation. :)
Which is a stupid arbitrary rule.
When you have a 9 months old kid who woeghs 35lbs and doesn't fit in any rear facing car seat made what do you do?

Become an outlaw I suppose

Nah, it's based on developmental thresholds, particularly for strength in the neck joints.

What's stupid and arbitrary are the people that insist you should keep them rear facing for "as long as possible" or else you're a bad parent.

The car seats that we have can be used in a rear-facing position, and Sara will still fit in them for the foreseeable future, conceivably up to 70#. So methinks you're being hyperbolic when you say a 9mo doesn't fit in them anymore.