This thread has gone slightly off topic from what the title refers to, but it is all good stuff. My fear is all these conflicting views is going to take us from being the United States to the Disunited States. At my job when I first started 5 years ago we had 16 people all Christians working togethor. We now lost people and picked others and now have a lesbian, a gay boss, and I have an atheist partner. Though we all do not agree on the same thing we find a common ground and work togethor. We need a leader whoever it may be to stick with their beliefs and convictions and not sway with trends and popular views.
I really hope our society will get what marriage is REALLY about. Divorce rates speak for themselves as how society does not honor their commitments. This is an underlining issue that people are not keeping their word and not taking responsibility for their own actions, and thats sad. I pray that the people of this once great country gets their heads right so we can be great once again.