Only cool thing I have seen

I work for an American company that develops and manufactures nuclear products. What happened to Three Mile Island was a total disregard for safety protocols. Nuclear is very stable and safe, given the proper attention. Yes there is the matter of the waste that needs to be handled, but if done properly, you are talking years, and years before refueling. The biggest danger comes from the Terrorist threat, if there is such a thing to be concerned about.
We'll be fucked from global warming... or cooling... or some other geological fuckstorm long before nuclear waste is a serious threat.

I still say, just load that shite up into a rocket and shoot it into the sun. What could possibly go wrong? :D

Back O/T, last summer on the drive up to Newfoundland, we drove through all of New Brusnwick and Nova Scotia. Miles and miles and miles of them, literally starting at the borders.
those are all over IN, IL, and more being put up, neat and the tech is cool, but really, they're a fawking eyesore.

Apparently they are pretty good at dicing up geese and eagles too.
I work for an American company that develops and manufactures nuclear products. What happened to Three Mile Island was a total disregard for safety protocols. Nuclear is very stable and safe, given the proper attention. Yes there is the matter of the waste that needs to be handled, but if done properly, you are talking years, and years before refueling. The biggest danger comes from the Terrorist threat, if there is such a thing to be concerned about.


Nuclear power is one of the chepaest ways to produce energy. We just need to find a way to deal with the waste, which could probably be easily solved if there wasn't so much fear mongering involved.