Opening weekend fire?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2009

Not my picture.. heard rumors of vandalism/arson..?
I seen more pic on FB. But no info.
All the posts seem to say that the group of upstanding individuals broke down on Dutch John, moved it out of the way, couldn't get it started back up, and then lit the fucker on fire. Supposedly they have caught them but that is all I have heard so far.
All the posts seem to say that the group of upstanding individuals broke down on Dutch John, moved it out of the way, couldn't get it started back up, and then lit the fucker on fire. Supposedly they have caught them but that is all I have heard so far.
Heck at least they moved it out of the way. Those type normally just leave their crap sitting in the trail.
Heck at least they moved it out of the way. Those type normally just leave their crap sitting in the trail.

I guess that is a silver lining to the story when you put it that way.
Looks like they're in...... hot water :D:D:D
All the posts seem to say that the group of upstanding individuals broke down on Dutch John, moved it out of the way, couldn't get it started back up, and then lit the fucker on fire. Supposedly they have caught them but that is all I have heard so far.

Then they should have stayed in the vehicle while it burned.
I hate assholes who desecrate the trails that we all fight so hard to keep open.
From what I have read that xj was with a side by side and a group came along, they were blocking the trail, and said group helped get it off trail and moved along. From what the group that came across them said they were hammering it hard in front wheel drive only the xj had toasted the rear shaft. Supposedly the culprits left a tag on it and other identifying material.
From what I have read that xj was with a side by side and a group came along, they were blocking the trail, and said group helped get it off trail and moved along. From what the group that came across them said they were hammering it hard in front wheel drive only the xj had toasted the rear shaft. Supposedly the culprits left a tag on it and other identifying material.

Even before you posted they left the tag on it... I was thinking they were not rocket surgeons... I am betting they are not brain scientists, either
I know they were caught, but damn I wish someone would post their name so they can be clowned and shamed the way they truly deserve. Dont get me wrong, I am sure the legal trouble they are in is severe, but still would be nice to publicly shame them as well. Especially if they happen to be members here or in one of the 4x4 groups on facebook.
What a bunch of shit heads.. why would you burn down your own rig... Even if it is was shitty xj, hell give it away or something. I was assuming someone came along and vandalized it... I hope they throw every charge they can at those fuckers..
What a bunch of shit heads.. why would you burn down your own rig... Even if it is was shitty xj, hell give it away or something

Sadly that's not how these kinda folks operate.

These are the same folks who had a great BMW bike, but when Little Timmy next door got a newer, and better one, they went and purposely jumped off a damn canyon to break their frame so momma and daddy would then buy THEM and even newer one than Timmy had.