Opinions on civil rights question...please

Opinion on Civil Rights?
What about an Owners Rights to have who ever they want working for them?
Ethically, in My Opinion, she'd have covered her ass if she had just said: Hey, I want to bring some of My girls on and I'm not going to need you any more.
Business wise and to avoid law suits in NC, she shouldn't have said anything except we don't require your services anymore, but preeze come back for comprementary sushi. Now get out round eye.
Quite honestly, I say Move on and forget about it... for the most part everyone goes thru several jobs. Tell her to be a big girl and go get another job so she can buy you truck parts :D

Exactly what I was saying.
Screw this "you have to like everyone and only have reasons that other people find acceptable in order to fire someone" bullcrap. That's liberal ideology at its finest. :shaking:
Exactly what I was saying.
Screw this "you have to like everyone and only have reasons that other people find acceptable in order to fire someone" bullcrap. That's liberal ideology at its finest. :shaking:

Yea i completely believe that to but no matter what if it was the other way around it WOULD be a big deal and there has been plent of cases IN NORTH CAROLINA that can back that up...