Oregon Standoff

And do you really think police depts will actually go house to house and try and take people's guns? That would be the dumbest thing he could ever try and do
Ive said it many times,several times here,they will never go door to door.They will limit,regulate,and tax until they accomplish their goal.Gov does things a lil at a time,they chip away at it so it don't seem like you've lost anything until it completely gone.Just like they did Tellico.
Some of what the NRA is opposed to isn't really a bad ideal but they know if they give them a inch they'll take two miles before they quit.
Some of what the NRA is opposed to isn't really a bad ideal but they know if they give them a inch they'll take two miles before they quit.

Very true. It's a balance.

But so is freedom. TRUE freedom is a scary thing that most can't actually comprehend. Because if you are truly a champion of the constitution/amendments then you understand it applies to EVERYONE....even the dumb-asses that really need babysitting, as well as the people you really don't like .
OK, so I am still confused at how, no matter which side of the argument you are on, you can be ok with them sending them back to prison after having already served a sentence. Doesn't that seem like double jeopardy?

That is majorly FUCKED UP and a massive government overreach.
That was my main point. They are trying to say it didn't meet minimum sentence requirements for terrorism, but I don't see how you can call it terrorism.
That was my main point. They are trying to say it didn't meet minimum sentence requirements for terrorism, but I don't see how you can call it terrorism.

To me it's not, but then again I've see what that shit actually is and those liberals to pussy to join the military will never understand that shit.
So you get convicted and due your time.

Then these bitches can just reopen your case and put you back in. WTF :kaioken:
Tactical Training by Max Velocity | “It’s a Trap” – or – Comment on the Malheur Protest

I have been observing events with the Hammond case and the occupation of the wildlife complex in Malheur. I wasn’t going to comment, but due to what I have seen on the internet from persons/organizations that are considered authoritative online commentators, and the general wailing and gnashing of teeth, I am drawn to comment. What I am going to say goes against the grain of what appears to the established GroupThink that has grown up as a response to this situation. I am going to make a number of points that originate from my thoughts on this matter. I don’t necessarily have a strong opinion about the events at Malheur, I don’t know any of the people there, and I have no inside knowledge. I am simply an observer.

– I see a huge amount of negative commentary from the online Patriot community, from a number of influential sources. I see a lot of armchair quarterbacking. Apparently the protesters at Malheur are not the ‘chosen ones.’

– There is a lot of negativity coming from what appear to be militia groups in the area. We have already covered a lot about these groups and their made up rank structures – why are they suddenly the authority? Some of the statements made are laughable, for example citing the need for the Governor to activate them to actually do anything. Does the Governor actually recognize these militias? What is this fantasy? What gives them the authority to say the Malheur protesters have no business protesting?

– This smug groupthink from the Patriot community seems to be led by fear of the left’s reaction. Apparently this is not the time to protest tyrannical actions by Leviathan, because the left might be upset? Really? When is the left ever not going to be upset by the actions of the forces of freedom? In fact, I would go so far as to say that the Patriot community seems to be mentally bound up in the paradigm that the left has created, and is unable to think outside of the box created for it.

– The previous point is tied in with the immediate assumption that this action is led by ‘provocateurs.’ Do you know? Could there be informants? Maybe. Do I think this is an operation by ‘The Feds’ designed as ‘a trap’ and a ‘buffalo jump’ – of course not. But I tell you what – well done to ‘The Feds’ for winning the psyop campaign, because Patriots will not even support a peaceful protest for fear that it is infiltrated. What a huge amount of self-defeating paranoia! Black helicopters anyone? Reptilians? Trump is an operative for Hillary…..I am laughing in your face, it’s so pathetic.

– Is it a well planned operation? Who knows. Is it the right time and place for the ‘Patriot Showdown’ with Leviathan? Really? What exactly do you suggest Bundy’s group does? With the Hammonds surrendering and going to jail, who else is drawing sufficient attention to the tyranny of this situation other than the Bundy group? Bundy already faced down a direct threat to his family, and was tasered in a dangerous standoff, and now he is STANDING UP against similar tyranny.

– The whole ‘militia’ thing is also a red herring. Listen to yourselves conforming to the paradigm cited by the left. I see Bundy dressed as a rancher. This is not a ‘militia’ event. This is a peaceful protest that has done no harm and continues to do no harm. You need to stop conflating the idea of ‘armed protesters’ with protesters who legally possess weapons. Isn’t that something you agree with and believe in, the legal possession and carriage of weapons? I see no brandishing or threats. Given previous events, such as the close call at the Bundy Ranch, and other cited examples such as Waco and Ruby Ridge, there is a clear fear among the protesters that ‘The Feds’ will try to wipe them out. I do not see them calling for such, or willing a firefight. I see them stating that they will defend themselves if attacked. The fact that they have put themselves in this situation where they see the possibility of such an outcome, means that they are brave men, willing to stand up for what is right. I saw an interview with Bundy, talking about his family and kids, and that he is not there to die.
– Related to the above is the ‘tactical aspect.’ It is never a good idea, if planning a tactical operation, to place yourself in an isolated position and invite being surrounded by the opposition. That is why this is a protest, or at worst a tactically inept play. This appears to be a peaceful protest with a stated intent of self-defense if Leviathan attacks. It’s not as if Leviathan hasn’t got a track record of burning people out, is it? The fact that this is a protest at an isolated location, with no danger of hostages or collateral damage if attacked, makes it a no brainer for Leviathan if they want to attack these protesters.

– The situation with the Hammonds is one of clear tyranny. I would put it like this: the story of the West is not the same story as the Eastern original colonies, with all the quaint forgotten stuff about the Founders and the Boston Tea Party and the Constitution. It has never been about that. It is bad big guy against good little guy. It is every western movie you ever watched. It is the BLM (insert: railroad, rich bad guy rancher etc) against the little guy, pushing them off the land. It is ‘3:10 to Yuma.’ It is clear unlawful tyranny and bullying, riding roughshod over the law and the rights of the little guy. It does not get plainer than the action of the BLM in the west. The BLM is, in fact, the front line of tyranny in the United States right now. The BLM is taking the Hammond’s land, pure and simple.

– The Hammonds went back to jail and apparently did not want any help. Sure, they have been threatened by Leviathan. Does this remove legitimacy from the protesters? What a silly notion. But who, other than the Malheur protesters, is doing anything about the BLM? No one. Sure, you”ll get pissed on Facebook for five minutes, and then you will move on, while the Hammonds are doing five years in jail, and their land will eventually be taken. What use are you to anyone? Are you ever going to actually stand up to anything at any time? Or is it just never the right place or time, or the perfect patriot martyrs that are doing it, so you can’t support it? What if the Malheur protesters do actually get wiped out. What then? They were just assholes, extremists, terrorists, right? Well done for doing the left’s job for them.

– One of the big things I see out there across the internetz is the argument about the law. Apparently the protesters, by occupying a vacant visitor center, while being armed, are acting against the law and are in fact terrorists. Really? Shut the hell up. It’s not about the law. It is about truth and justice (do you like that: truth, justice and the American way….?). The law is an ass. We already know we have too much administrative law that is unconstitutional, and is being used to promote tyranny by leviathan. This is why we have a problem now that we no longer have ‘peace officers’ but we have ‘law enforcement.’ Law enforcement is exactly what it says it is; it isn’t about looking after you or doing the right thing; it’s about enforcing every statist socialist law that can be cooked up to take away your freedom. Like going to jail for collecting rainwater on your property. But we live in a free country, right? The so called ‘law and order conservative’ is a creature that really saddens me; nothing but enablers and cheerleaders for increasing tyranny. But remember, you have to obey that ‘lawful order’ whatever the situation, right? Because we live in a free country, a Constitutional Republic, to which ‘law enforcement’ swear an oath, and which is based on the principle of rightful liberty, individual freedom, and equality in the eyes of the law. Right? But apparently, I don’t understand ‘our values.’

Thomas Jefferson: “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.”

Stop being good little Germans, good little comrades, and use your moral compass to understand what is right, what is true, and what is just. If we all lived our lives on those principles and stood up, without fear of the left, there would be no problem. To the left, to the moonbats, you are always a right wing extremist, and terrorist. Nothing you do in defense of liberty will be right. You will never be anything else.

– The lack of any kind of support for the Malheur protest sends one particular message: they are not good enough for our support, and thus neither will any of us be, when our time comes. Bundy may have consciously chosen to be there at this time, for good or bad, but the rest of us are simply waiting our turn for Leviathan to come to us. None of us want this. We all want to live in peace in the former United States, without the threat of violence and tyranny. As freedom diminishes, as Leviathan rises, it will be our turn at some point. Malheur is a peaceful protest, so far, unless they are attacked. What if you are forced to use arms to defend yourself against tyranny? Can you see the online patriots running for the hills, reinforcing the rhetoric of the left as you are painted as a nut-job with ‘an arsenal.’

– We seem to have a problem with ‘controlled opposition’ and successful leviathan psyops. It seems the psyop has worked very well, because whenever anyone does anything, it is attributed to be provocateurs and/or ‘The Feds.’ I saw some more lunacy this morning. Following hot on the heels of a piece on WRSA about “When is your Patriot Group a Cult,” which talked about ‘special knowledge,’ I see that Oathkeepers has put out ‘special knowledge’ that some sort of super-secret-special-operations-unit has been mobilized to go to Malheur. Is this credible ‘special information’ such as the Bundy Ranch being about to be hellfired from a drone? Wow. Talk about panic mongering and controlled opposition. If there is any truth to this, no doubt it is some innocuous unit, perhaps even a psyops or negotiation unit, being put on standby. Or whatever. Maybe they can mobilize that unit of 50,000 Spetznaz that are hidden in a salt mine in Utah?

In the meantime, I am grateful to Bundy and his group standing up and drawing attention to the actions of the tyrannous BLM. I hope no harm comes to them, and they are able to return peacefully to their families.

Obama won't have fun with this Obama will be tucked away somewhere scared as hell
He will have Montel Williams there to keep him safe.
He will have Montel Williams there to keep him safe.

Lol didn't montel hop on the send the national guard in train when it first happened?