We could start delving into conspiracy theories and so forth, but the big hole that would keep popping up is that the military doesnt approve of Obama and the generals and higher ups think he is bad for the country.
In order for Obama to pull off any kind of fake, whether Osama was really killed that night, or has been on ice for a decade, there would have to he ALOT of co-operation and co-ordination with people who dont want to do either with Obama.
If you want a logical conspiracy to follow so that you dont have to credit Obama for making the kill.......i'll give you what i've put together.
Under enhanced interogation and rendition the CIA gained info on OBL sometime, late 2008-early 2009. As Obama came into office on promises of ending rendition and torture, closing gitmo, and moving america past the whole war on terror thing, he couldnt act. he could not validate the policies of bush that he ran against to get elected.
As the massive compound was being built 4 years ago, pakistan authorities took notice, investigated, and come to a general conclusion that it was probable that OBL was going to use this as his safe house. The intel was turned over to the national security team, and again, Obama overlooked, not validating bush policies on the war.
General Petraus and Micheal hayden (supreme allied comander in the middle east, and Director of CIA, respectively) Were taken out of their positions early Obamas administration. Too much knowledge. He installed Gen. McChyrstal as SAC and leon Panetta as CIA chief, hoping that in the shake up, Intel on Osama would get lost in the red tape.
Both of those appointments backfired on him. Although dealing with troop number inadequacies because Obama wouldnt not send what he requested, (which i assume, as conspiracies go, was a planned move to help The gen forget about OBL and focus on other things) McChrystal ended up being a pretty brilliant guy and a hell of a leader. One problem, He opened his mouth and voiced some real opinions in front of the wrong people, Rolling Stones imbedded reporter, Micheal Hastings. AFter the article of McChrystal speaking of his disdain for the current administation ran, Obama feared backlash, fired McChrystal and re instated Petraus due to public outcry. The hunt for OBL continued.
Leon Panetta, who this whole conspiracy hinges on, turns out to have more allegiance to America than the Office of the President. Good thing. Knowing that Obama has turned a blind eye to intel on OBL for years and wanting to do something to nail OBL once and for all, Panetta began devising a plan to insert a SEAL team in a clandestine mission with out authority of Pakistan.
Hillary Clinton, Ever eager to score one for the Dems, got wind of the plan, and encouraged Obama to do something before wikileaks revealed that we have him in our sights and arent doing anything about it. Could cost the election ya know! whether H. Clinton was the one who leaked all of the wikileaks intel or not to aid Panetta in his plan is undetermined, but thats another conspiracy.
With the SEAL team ready to strike, and Clinton harping on Obama about election consequences, Panatta went to him and advised him of the impending strike, and told him its happening wether your on board or not.
Obama took 16 hours to consider the situation before coming back and putting the presidents approval on the mission.
After the success of the mission, Obama and his spin team made the announcement. He took full credit for the success, even though the mission was a culmination of his own failures to end the bush policies and establish his own legacy.