Caution Thread derail coming:
It's actually just as much the consumers fault as the employee because the consumer doesn't care how the company is to employees, yet complains that service wasn't right. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a good and easy experience I'm just letting you know the simple reason why the parts stores are like this.
This is a horrible, horrible logic fail.
Consumers set price by what they are willing to pay, sure. Employees set wages by what they are willing to work for however.
Lets think this through.
If I have a widget. And I want to sell it I can only charge what the market will pay. Lets say the widget costs me $10.
If I charge $100 for it the market wont buy, they will find an alternate source. So I have to get it somewhere are $40 to be competitive in the market. Now as a business owner when it starts out I ell that widget myself and make $30. Eventually I build up a nest egg and I want more free time. So I hire you to sell my widget. I can try and pay you $10 and raise my price to $50 but the market has already set the price at $40 so then I wouldn't sell any widgets. Instead I have to make a trade off as the owner. I used to make $30/widget but I worked all the time. Now I will make $20/widget and work less and we should sell more widgets together so total income is flat or increases slightly. Life is good.
Now your neighbor knows widgets better than you and needs money. He comes in and says "I will sell those widgets for $8/ea and guarantee I sell more than toyota231." I'm hiring him and firing you. Now guess what, if he values himself that poorly he cant sell more than you and soon I am sad because I am working harder to manage your idiot neighbor, I'm making less money because he cant sell widgets as well and life sucks. So I call you back. You coming back for $8? How about $9. The right answer is you better not come back for less than $11.
The way I see it a company can only pay what someone will accept. Believe it or not capitalism works, it just isn't instant gratification. If no one qualified will work for $8/hr eventually the company will have to raise wages and either:|
A) reduce profits
B) Increase sales price
Then the consumer gets to decide again. But unfortunately we have raised an entire generation that thinks a job they can be trained to do in 1 week is a career and they should be paid well enough to live on for doing that menial job.
When people refuse to work for a certain amount of money the market will set the wage scale. So the way I see it. It isnt the consumer's fault that parts store employees are underpaid, it is the employees' fault and (even more so someone like you who doesn't "need" the job) for accepting the lower wage.