Parts store stoopidity

If it doesn't ship Prime, I'm probably not going to buy it. Unless it's something weird and one-off that I can't get anywhere else (or is cheaper than elsewhere).
most everything is Prime, otherwise, whats the point ? the other stuff I watch and try and get free shipping ( my open box air bags for the Taco were free ship non prime ) unless it's not available somewhere else cheaper.
I tried to get a 3/8" in line fuel filter at advance, and then O'Reilly's, both places asked for a make/model. I said "like that one behind you, but not chrome" (referring to the overpriced Mr gasket filters they always have behind the counters). Neither place could figure it out... I went to NAPA (where I knew I should have gone to begin with) and the guy instantly walked back and grabbed one off the shelf...