Pet Cats

We adopted 2 cats from a lady in Raleigh that are leash trained. We take them out on their leashes when the temperature is right. They don't walk like a dog or anything but loves to just hang out in the front yard.
I think you all need to do your homework before posting stupidively... Any tame animal can be leash trained if you train it from young. My grandfather had a pet lizzard that he made a leash for. I've seen a many goats and pot bellies that were leash trained.
I've never been a cat lover but after moving into an 80 y.o. house and adopting the 2 we got last year, I sleep much better not having to worry that every creek in the house is a rat coming in to eat my toes while I'm asleep. There's not even a single fly that lives now. I will have a cat in the house for now on like having a dog in my yard for protection.
The outdoor cats don't bother me so much, it's the ones indoors that drive me crazy. I finally got rid of all of my cats just last week. You can't have anything nice around when you have cats. They want to shred everything, but the scratching post and they can never seem to get out of the litter box without getting litter everywhere. Then their shit smells worse than my dogs and you have to clean the f'ing litter box all the time or they'll shit and piss on your dirty clothes. Screw that, I'm done with cats. The wife loved them so I tolerated them. Now that she's out on her own and having to clean up after those nasty f'ers all by herself, she can't stand them either.
For me, there’s no need for a cat leash. My wife and I bought our little Bella a kittywalk, so she may still play outdoors without ending up on the neighbor's lawn, or worst, on the road. It’s a comfy spot for her to dwell and play when we’re not around. For me, cat leashes shouldn’t be a thing. There are always alternatives.
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I don't even remember posting this thread, but granted it was 7 years ago
I don't like cats at all. I went to a Japanese restaurant in Wilmington last Friday night, some college waiter prick asked how would I like my cat cooked? Not joking at all half pissed off already I informed him that if anyone was to serve me cat somebody was going to die. He never came back to the table either.