

Faster'N You
Mar 21, 2005
Photobucket really screwed up searches for old threads on different forums. There USE TO BE tons of informative posts all across the old interwebs that you could google and learn from without having to ask a new question, but no...they had to screw it all up


they shouldnt have made it retroactive

its like a digital hostage takeover
But if you think about how often you run in to the dead photobucket link, you will realize that:
1. Photobucket is everywhere
2. That must be a massive server load to maintain, especially for "free" hosting
3. You spend too much time on internet forums
3. You spend too much time on internet forums

Not that I disagree with any of those, but........Look anything up on "how to" and "Jeep TJ" and chances are you'll end up on one of 3 forums:


And nearly EVERY thread where someone is actually being helpful and giving great advice, used Photobucket

Personally I loathe all three of those forums and their know-it-all resident trolls, but as a lurker, there's info to be had if you sift thru the egos. Shame the ones who actually offer some knowledge chose that route. I'll need to research that link Lorenzo posted. I only use Chrome
Not that I disagree with any of those, but........Look anything up on "how to" and "Jeep TJ" and chances are you'll end up on one of 3 forums:


And nearly EVERY thread where someone is actually being helpful and giving great advice, used Photobucket

Personally I loathe all three of those forums and their know-it-all resident trolls, but as a lurker, there's info to be had if you sift thru the egos. Shame the ones who actually offer some knowledge chose that route. I'll need to research that link Lorenzo posted. I only use Chrome

I too have been digging through threads +10 years old and it pisses me off. Tried the google chrome extension last night and it didn’t work. Even in the reviews of the extension on google say it hasn’t been working this month. It’s whack.

PB still haven’t taken my pictures off of the web yet and they are pretty old. Not sure how they go about removing pics...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If photobucket hadn't gone retard and just said hey for 29.99 a year you can keep doing what your doing Myself and hundreds of others would have said ok sounds fine and send them some money. Instead they said pay us 399.99 or else your account will be screwed. And of course everybody including myself said f-off.
Not that I disagree with any of those, but........Look anything up on "how to" and "Jeep TJ" and chances are you'll end up on one of 3 forums:


And nearly EVERY thread where someone is actually being helpful and giving great advice, used Photobucket

Personally I loathe all three of those forums and their know-it-all resident trolls, but as a lurker, there's info to be had if you sift thru the egos. Shame the ones who actually offer some knowledge chose that route. I'll need to research that link Lorenzo posted. I only use Chrome

I loved JeepForum, and wracked up thousands of posts. Until it was bought out and covered in advertisements. I can't stand it now. Pretty much every topic has been beaten past any semblance of a dead horse there so it's decent to search through.

Pirate4x4, I creep around, but my tolerance for assholes is so low I tend to avoid posting.
So maybe I'm crazy, but I'd think PB has an opportunity for a unique business here now.
What if it were possible for them to allow subscribers - viewers - to pay an annual fee to now be able to see all the missing PB images?
Basically shift the cost from those who post, to those who want to see? Like how cable TV works.

yes, it's a slimy, dirty business model... allow people to become dependent on you, then charge to use it - but it's worked well in other markets...
E.g. would you pay $20 to suddenly have access to all those now-missing forum images?
It sucks. I'm looking at options. At NAXJA there is a discussion in the members area about hosting photos as a perk of membership. I keep hearing its would be hard to do because of bandwidth? I don't understand all this internet stuff but I learned what I have learned on it.
It sucks. I'm looking at options. At NAXJA there is a discussion in the members area about hosting photos as a perk of membership. I keep hearing its would be hard to do because of bandwidth? I don't understand all this internet stuff but I learned what I have learned on it.
The short version is, text takes up very little space (bytes) while images take up a lot, even compressed, in comparison. For you to view stuff those bytes have to be transmitted to you from the forum server.
What PB and other photo hosting sites do is to allow the forum to just embed a link (often called a hotlink) that points to the image data on their (PBs) site instead.
So that is good for the forum host, b/c they are now sending out only bytes for text, and bytes for the link, but not the image itself.
The problem is, this is very bad for PB b/c they are now holding the bag of hosting all the big data associated with all those photos. Which is very expensive for them.
It sucks. I'm looking at options. At NAXJA there is a discussion in the members area about hosting photos as a perk of membership. I keep hearing its would be hard to do because of bandwidth?

That is bullshit.

You'll notice that all photos posted, linked, or otherwise referenced on NC4x4 are hosted here.

You've got an orange diamond. Post all your photos here and link to them.
That is bullshit.

You'll notice that all photos posted, linked, or otherwise referenced on NC4x4 are hosted here.

You've got an orange diamond. Post all your photos here and link to them.

You may know how many members on here and how many post pictures? I'd love to learn more so I can have an educated argument. I know we have about 600 - 700 paying members. I have yet to be able to download my build album from photobucket so I can attempt to fix my 203/205 xj build.
It's just another nail in the coffin for the dinosaurs that are forums. The 'tech threads' with pics are the only reason I think so many forums have held on this long. NC4x4 is the only forum of the dozen or I frequented starting 8-15 years ago with any kind of actual traffic. In fairness, I haven't been active on Pirate since the Canadians took over...FTE is still kind of active due to sheer volume of membership, but it's the same half dozen topics covered weekly. Everywhere else, you're lucky to see 2-3 new comments, not even threads, on a daily basis. I know most of you hate it, but the FB groups and Instagram are where it's at these days. In my Ford groups, I've had guys chronicling builds for a couple years now, files can be saved as well...and groups have had a search function for a while now, even though nobody uses it (just like the forums). Forums were the first social media, now they're MySpace.
You may know how many members on here and how many post pictures? I'd love to learn more so I can have an educated argument. I know we have about 600 - 700 paying members. I have yet to be able to download my build album from photobucket so I can attempt to fix my 203/205 xj build.

I know I don't give a shit about our bandwidth limits.
Forums were the first social media, now they're MySpace.

This is truth.

Internet Forums are certainly on the decline, I took a hiatus from several forums such as TheHighRoad, TheFiringLine, WeTheArmed for probably 8 years after I stopped shooting competitively. Came back this year and was amazed at how empty they are.
Forums were the first social media, now they're MySpace.

I use to admin several sportbike forums (back when I rode) back in the early 2000's

Ironic thing was, I had only met a handful of people from those forums (combined) at the track and at deals gap over decades. Membership on each were well over 10k. Hell they'd have hundreds of members online at the same time during the day. Those forums were all purchased by Vertical Scope and immediately died. Go there now and "active" posts from 2014 are in the top 100 posts.

I still keep in contact with a few members I liked thru social media.

I think this forum is different in a lot of ways. I joined here in like 2001/2002. It's the ONLY forum I frequent that still "active" and the biggest difference (I think) is because I've met roughly half of the people I interact with on here. Back in the day on most forums you could have some newbie talk shit and it's start a flame war that would fizzle out. Here...I think we've seen time and time again, you piss the wrong person/people off and your doorbell WILL ring. That's why I personally am still active on this forum: Because of the PERSONAL interaction that goes along with what use to be fun about forums (i.e. the BS while you're at work)
Our hosting account allows for 15 PB of bandwidth per month.
8,053,063,680 at a generous 2mb per useless meme.

2mb would not be very generous (2 millibits), but the math is close enough for 2MB (megabytes) so I'll assume that's what you meant :p

If not, there are about 135107988821115010000 millibits in a petabyte! I think that number is almost as high as the national debt!