How is wildland fire 100% predictable when the driving force, weather, is not?
Forests burn. Its what they do. They consist of a pile of dead highly flammable material (leaf litter) that lacks the ability to hold moisture.
Indigenous man burned the forests regularly to make the ground more fertile for growing food crops. Ever heard of slash and burn farming?
Its what the native Americans did for centuries if not millenia.
Sometime around the 1940s we started to wage an all out war on Forest fires. When I tell you why you will think I am full of shit.
Ever seen the movie Bambi?
What happens at the end? Heart breaking right?
Well the bleeding heart liberals of the day, started a campaign against forest fires because they were horrified by this cartoon. And at the time the conservatives and "men" of the day were a llittle pre-occupied and spending time overseas. Hanging out on beaches and saving this great Nation.
Well while we were fighting a real enemy and pre-occupied with adult stuff, the hippies do what they always do and take advantage of situations and start a campaign to END FOREST FIRES!!!! Save the Deer.
( now you are thinking, Ron you have lost it. Bambi didnt do all this. Au Contraire. Bambi debuted in 1942. The USFS started its first stop wildfire campaigns in 1943. And used this great image:
Smokey the loveable cartoon charchter showed up a year later in '44.
Now on to the problem...the USFS was founded to serve multiple purposes. An important one was to insure a constant supply of wood and wood products for our countries growth. A necessary and vital part of good forest management practice is regular, controlled, prescribed burns. These regular burns release the nitrogen and phosphorous contained in the dead leaves and returns them to the soil as God's own free fertilizer. The secondary benefit is when done regularly the leaf layer never builds up to a layer more than 1-2" thick. The fires are hot, fast, and low. This is how nature and evolution intended it.
Need some proof of that last comment?
Ok here are two evolutionary plant adaptations to fire. Mass adds heat resistance, right? It takes longer at a given temperature to melt a piece of 1" thick bar than it does to melt a piece if 18 gauge, right? Now look at every mountain indigenous tree species you can find and tell me what is notable about the bottom 10-15" of the tree?
Its wider at the base which provide more surface area to protect the core.
Still doubt this? Think the flared base is just coincidence? Ok, try this one on for size. Take the case of the Table Mountain Pine. A very relevant species to the current wild fires at hand. The table mountain pine grows EXCLUSIVELY in the Appalachain mountains. Its native range follows the AT almost perfectly. Its pine cone is like no other you have ever seen. Its called a serotinous cone. This tree and this pine cone fascinate me, sorry call me a nerd. See this pine cone will hang around on its tree for 20 to 25 years! And even when it falls the seeds live on inside this cone for up to another decade. This pine cone also doesnt look like your typical pine cone you are sued to seeing. Its closed up tight and hard like a baby pine cone.You know what opens this pine cone? Fire. It has to get to several hundred degrees to open up. And then it opens over about a 4 hour period and drops its baby tree seed in the fresh burned dirt to produce another tree. Or it can conversely be opened by sustained 90 degree heat for 30-45 days...continuous. In other words in a a lab only.
The fact that this tree species exists and is one of the oldest species in the Appalachain Range tells us, without question that these mountains have always burned. That the seeds have a life of 10 years gives us a hell of a guess at frequency.
But since 1948 we haven't burned the forests. We haven't cut the trees. Our federal government has let emotional outcries from uneducated populaces dictate policy. Words like "old growth" trigger strong emotional responses and we are lead to believe that forests full of old huge trees are the picture of health. Intuitively this makes no sense, but few stop and think. If I asked you to pick out the healthiest sampling of human beings to continue our species, would you take a selection from the Olympic games or from your local nursing home. Which group is healthier? Which is sustainable?
But here we sit. In an Appalachia that isnt how its creator intended it. When the greenies preach about man destroying the forest they forget that homo sapiens are a major NORMAL contributor to our ecology. When you attempt to remove our (perceived negative) input you cause new problems. We as humans as a race are a pretty egotistical bunch. We talk about man caused global warming, we talk about us destroying this planet. When we do the Mother Earth can damage her, much like a mosquito can damage your shoulder. But eventually the damage reaches your brain and you slap the mosquito. These current fires are but a mere swat of a tired and aggravated mountain.
What pisses me off and causes me to write a 10+ paragraph response on a message board when I have more work to do than I can handle is this. The men fighting this fire, risking their lives to put her out. Are largely the descendants either through DNA or mere societal placement of those same men who were busy over seas when this whole mess started. Yet here they are again to clean up another mess.