This sink is on a 2" line and no other drains are connected to it behind or near it. About 20' + it empties into the original main 4" black steel pipe that went to the old septic tank. I hooked that into the city sewer line in 1998. There is likely a trap on this line but def no vent pipe. It's been a while since I've crawled that far under the house and that ain't happening right now with my recent knee replacement!
I am going to attach a rubber hose to where the DW attached to the white pipe under the sink and see if it works as a vent. If so then I have something that has changed with the DW. If not then maybe I'll install a snorkel as a vent, the wife would LOVE that! 
I had to take some extra pain meds this morning and I just got back from PT so I am really not motivated to mess with the damn sink right now! But I will be diving in after I take care of a few things. Thanks so much for the input and I'll def report back.

I had to take some extra pain meds this morning and I just got back from PT so I am really not motivated to mess with the damn sink right now! But I will be diving in after I take care of a few things. Thanks so much for the input and I'll def report back.