This is one of my favorite pictures of my truck! It was pouring down rain when I took this, and it looks a little better when its cropped down slightly, but I still like it!
Just a random photo I took of a bug on a flower!
I was out driving my dads Dakota one day and decided to snap these pictures. This was taken at the same place as the flower picture above, and the other Dakota picture below!
Dad's Dakota sporting his Piedmont license plate!
I stopped on a reallyy rural road in Thomasville and snapped this picture. I stood in the road for about 20 minutes taking pics and didn't see a single car!
This was taken on Chestnut Rd!
I snapped all of these, there's a bunch more where these came from, which can be found
HERE but because of the 6 image limit on here I couldn't post em! The first 3 pages are of my lake house, but if you skip those then you get to the cooler ones! I might post a few more later, because there's a few more I really like that I couldn't post!