Post Your 2010 Deer Pictures

I shot this one late Sunday night by the light of the moon at 1200yrds with my wrist rocket and BB's.......... Honest


Should go about 2600pts on B&C scale.

^ If that were real, I bet the antlers alone would weigh more than the deer :lol:

so HCORE4X4 and myself went down to my farm in Nash and unleashed on 5 deer this weekend. This was the only one that made it to the camera. Not big, but nice clean meat in the freezer. Tally was 1 doe with bow; 2 spikes and 2 does with 6.5 Grendels on the AR platform. had fun and we were just thinning out the herd to fill a freezer. my first year without a massive M70 in stand, the little AR was nice and compact for treestand / box blind duty. :huggy:


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dang, nice pics- are they still around? looks like my pics, then they go nocturnal on me. then I gotta take what I can get.
Just got back from a great weekend of blackpowder hunting in Kentucky!

I saw about 15 deer, including an ok 8 point, but decided not to shoot. I scoped lots of doe's and fawns, but didn't see the big boy I was hoping for. Hopefully I can get back for rifle season next month. It's a 7 hour drive to the ranch, but well worth it. There are some serious monsters passing through that area. Also my dad shot a 135lb doe-

Couple of pictures from this weekend:

This one stared right at me, but never got alarmed. It was sniffing the ladder steps (guess I shouldn't have climbed up bare handed)


Good looking pictures. Nothing worth shooting has come close enough during bow season up here in Watauga Co. Hopefully after Nov. 6 when black powder opens I will be able to add to this thread.
Shot this Non-typical 9pt on 11-11. Guessing to be a 3.5 year old. I'll be doe hunting for the rest of the season.





shot another doe on 11-12. shot broke the shoulder on the other side and bounced up exiting above the shoulder on this side (you can see the slick trick sticking out). had to shoot her again.

Shot this one in WI last week. Would have been an 8pt if he hadn't smashed some tines at some point.


And here's the wife's

Hunted in WV Thurs to Tuesday. Saw does and fawns Thurs and Fri, then absolutely NOTHING afterward. Thought about shooting a big doe on Friday that had a younger doe and a fawn with her... but figured I'd have to drag her up and over the mtn to get back to the truck... I'd just wait and see if anything w/horns came along after her. Those were the last fawking deer I saw.

Anybody around Raleigh got room for one more on their land? I'd like to get something before the season goes out.
Oh, forgot to mention... saw a guy in a white Chevy on 77 south of Wytheville w/a damn monster in the bed. No shit, tines were 6" above the bed rails. You could tell there was a deer in the truck from 100yds out. Forks on the G2, maybe also one or both around G4... it was a 12+ pt deer, easy. Rack like a damn muley. I'm going to be a jealous fawk and say it had to have been a farm-raised deer... but who knows. He was hauling ass and I only got one look at it.