Project Greaser - Toyota Pickup


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Well today i did a thing ahaha.

Got up early this morning and headed out to @GLTHFJ60 house to go grab his trailer (Thanks again for letting me use it!) and from there we headed up to Stem, NC to where the truck was located in the middle of no where. It was a very pretty ride out there going with all the land out there. Once we got there the truck was sitting in almost a wooded area in some brush.


First impressions on the truck it defiantly needs some elbow grease with all of the 3-4 years of sitting there, Hint the name of the truck ahah. But also it had A LOT of rust, On the tailgate, bed, Passenger door, And some severe frame rust in some places so there's most likely gonna be a frame swap, or just run it till it snaps or have the luck of Fred Williams mini truck Clampy's frame luck lol. So here's the truck on the initial first sight. So the i got the truck for free, It was at the owner of the truck's mechanics house and he had a sweet set up, a huge shop. Let's just say me and my dad wanted it cause it already had a lift and this garage could actually fit the cruiser unlike our current garage:). So we had talked to the guy of what he had done to it and what was needed to be done with it. So what we had heard from the the owner of the truck is that it would need a new motor cause it had blew the head gasket a couple times and it had blew it again so it needed a new motor cause we thought that there was a warped head or a cracked block. But i was relieved to find out that the mechanic had already done the head gasket again and that it just needed some TLC and a fuel pump to get it running again. I'm glad that i don't have to rip into the motor and do the head gasket but it would be good learning experience. But ill just save that till it blows again. So we backed the truck and trailer up to the truck and started the process of loading it onto the trailer. Using a come along hand winch was not terrible, but as it was 28 degrees this morning it was not a pleasant experience but least the truck was light, @GLTHFJ60 you need to get a winch on your trailer or i just need to get vehicles that run lol. But as it took a couple pulls with the come along we got it on the trailer. Surprisingly the tires were still holding air after sitting for so long, and still have some good tread on them.



But we got it loaded up and strapped down and got back in the truck with the heat on full blast to warm our freezing hands. The hour ride back on was uneventful and smooth sailing all the way which was a good thing. We didn't have to do a johnny and pull off parts of truck on the trailer and put them on the truck to get it home:rofl:.


So when we got home we backed the trailer up the driveway and just pushed it into the driveway where it will sit while i work on cleaning it out until i can get it into the garage where there's some heat to where i won't freeze to death working on it.

So the plan for the truck as it will be a dedicated trail rig:
  • SAS
  • Put 80 axles, E-Locker front and something cheap or E-locker as well if presentable :)
  • Dual Cases
  • Spring's 63" front and rear for now, Unless 3 and 4 link is presentable.
  • 35-37" tires,
  • Full Exo Cage
  • Bucket Seats with 5-Point Harnesses
  • Bobbing the Bed and Front End
  • Header and Off-road cam to get a little more power out of the 22R-E
  • Custom Sliders
  • Uptight Bumpers for approach angles
  • Strengthen the frame
  • Some type of storage compartment in the bed
  • More to come as idea's are created
Well today i did a thing ahaha.

Got up early this morning and headed out to @GLTHFJ60 house to go grab his trailer (Thanks again for letting me use it!) and from there we headed up to Stem, NC to where the truck was located in the middle of no where. It was a very pretty ride out there going with all the land out there. Once we got there the truck was sitting in almost a wooded area in some brush.

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First impressions on the truck it defiantly needs some elbow grease with all of the 3-4 years of sitting there, Hint the name of the truck ahah. But also it had A LOT of rust, On the tailgate, bed, Passenger door, And some severe frame rust in some places so there's most likely gonna be a frame swap, or just run it till it snaps or have the luck of Fred Williams mini truck Clampy's frame luck lol. So here's the truck on the initial first sight. So the i got the truck for free, It was at the owner of the truck's mechanics house and he had a sweet set up, a huge shop. Let's just say me and my dad wanted it cause it already had a lift and this garage could actually fit the cruiser unlike our current garage:). So we had talked to the guy of what he had done to it and what was needed to be done with it. So what we had heard from the the owner of the truck is that it would need a new motor cause it had blew the head gasket a couple times and it had blew it again so it needed a new motor cause we thought that there was a warped head or a cracked block. But i was relieved to find out that the mechanic had already done the head gasket again and that it just needed some TLC and a fuel pump to get it running again. I'm glad that i don't have to rip into the motor and do the head gasket but it would be good learning experience. But ill just save that till it blows again. So we backed the truck and trailer up to the truck and started the process of loading it onto the trailer. Using a come along hand winch was not terrible, but as it was 28 degrees this morning it was not a pleasant experience but least the truck was light, @GLTHFJ60 you need to get a winch on your trailer or i just need to get vehicles that run lol. But as it took a couple pulls with the come along we got it on the trailer. Surprisingly the tires were still holding air after sitting for so long, and still have some good tread on them.

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But we got it loaded up and strapped down and got back in the truck with the heat on full blast to warm our freezing hands. The hour ride back on was uneventful and smooth sailing all the way which was a good thing. We didn't have to do a johnny and pull off parts of truck on the trailer and put them on the truck to get it home:rofl:.

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So when we got home we backed the trailer up the driveway and just pushed it into the driveway where it will sit while i work on cleaning it out until i can get it into the garage where there's some heat to where i won't freeze to death working on it.

View attachment 260252 So the plan for the truck as it will be a dedicated trail rig:
  • SAS
  • Put 80 axles, E-Locker front and something cheap or E-locker as well if presentable :)
  • Dual Cases
  • Spring's 63" front and rear for now, Unless 3 and 4 link is presentable.
  • 35-37" tires,
  • Full Exo Cage
  • Bucket Seats with 5-Point Harnesses
  • Bobbing the Bed and Front End
  • Header and Off-road cam to get a little more power out of the 22R-E
  • Custom Sliders
  • Uptight Bumpers for approach angles
  • Strengthen the frame
  • Some type of storage compartment in the bed
  • More to come as idea's are created
Get it on
Well i didn't get as much done as i wanted too so far but it's just to dang cold to be doing anything and it was too cold for my dad to come out and work on it with me ahaha. I started the morning upfront under the hood pulling off the the airbox and piping to the intake to make sure there was no nest or anything in there. It was honestly pretty clean other then a few nuts and pine straw in the box. When pulling off the airbox one if the bolts had broken off but it was still sticking up enough for me to weld a nut on there and screw it out. It only took 2 nuts to do it but i ended up getting it out.

After that i had taken the battery out to charge it to find what was left of the battery tray. So i went ahead and had cut the rest of it out with the grinder and going to start making one that is more suitable for holding the battery down if a rollover were to happen. But also going to go through the metal there and trying and control the rust and strengthen that area since its already pretty weak right there.


So after that i spent most of the time cleaning out the truck as it was disgusting inside and pulled the bench seat out to clean under there. Pretty sure i'm going to rhino line the side because it was so bad but also so if i get water or mud it won't be a worry about cleaning it up or the smell of wet carpet. Once i had gotten the truck cleaned out i was told i was able to move it into the garage so since it doesn't run i couldn't drive it so i was stuck to pushing it inside. Couldn't get the truck all the way in the garage so i got the cruiser to push and finish the job, I should of done that from the beginning hahaha. But now to let the garage warm up as i'm currently letting it do so i can drop the gas take to see the condition of it but also to pull out the fuel pump to change it and see if i can get it running.

I knew that the cruiser was kinda high to push it into the garage but nothing got bent or broken surprisingly. But if so it had happened all of that is getting replace eventually.
I welded in an aftermarket battery box in mine from either trail gear or ruffstuff or someone, looks and works great. I'd upgrade those battery cables too while you're in there.
Well... I think I'm gonna have to pull the trigger on this one. frame is completes toast. I pulled the bed off a few minutes ago to find major rust damage to the frame and bed. with how much damage there is i'm surprised we got it home without the frame breaking into 2 pieces to be 100% honest. when taking the fuel tank out and seeing how much rust was falling out of that area and then when taking the bed bolts off and having to use the grind to cut the bed mounts near the cab out for the last 2 bolt and just seeing how much rust was under and falling off was daunting. I'm honesty pretty bummed right now, ig its time to save the goods and scrap the trash and try and find a new project....




Last Sunday... Sorry for the late updates. No real updates other then it trying to kill me, but that's another story for a time around a campfire.... Plus with having exams i've just been doing nothing really at all, but we took a trip down Bolivia NC to pick up some parts, A highsteer kit with the pump, brand new 20g fuel cell w/ pump that hasn't even been out of the box, and a front axle missing a third. all for about $500 and some parts to get me started on it, gonna have to rebuild the axle and find a third, and then pull the hubs off my truck and put them on the axle.
Thrusday.. After trying to start working on the truck all day... more like procrastinating lol i finally decided to start at about 8:30, with the warm garage and the music blasting i can get a lot done ahaha. Got the seat, fenders, bumper, lights, grill, and hood off to start off the disassembling of the truck for whats in next, that's all i'm doing for the night. Tomorrow is to take the rest of the interior apart and start getting the motor/trans/trasnfercase ready to pull out, hoping to get it out by Saturday afternoon or evening, or sunday just depends on how stuff come out or if i'm going to the URE workday or not.



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Friday.. started this afternoon on ripping the interior apart, all of it done, taking a break for now and gonna start on driveshafts, connections, cross members and motor mounts and hopefully get this thing out tomorrow morning just depending on the pace i work since its just me for now, BTW if anyone wants any parts that aren't the drive-train, wheels, wiring harness, the rear axle, or the dash cluster give me a PM. the dash and everything is in really good condition, no cracks or stains.

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Didnt get as far as i wanted to get today, but progress was defiantly made. the motor and everything is ready to pull, but the transmission is stuck onto the motor and can't get it to break it loose from the two, i think the input shaft rusted to the pilot bearing and the splines on the clutch plate the tolerances are super tight and that's also why its a struggle.
Motor and transmission is OUT!!!! The trans was just stuck, all it took was kicking the living crap out of it for it to break loose and it was out, then unbolting the motor mounts one of the bolts was stripped out. I guess @GLTHFJ60 thing of can't be tight if it's a liquid LOL. after that it came right out with no problems.



Didn't expect to do this just yet.... did it while we were making liquid with the "blue wrench"
Any decisions/thoughts made on the new direction to go? Going to rebuild the frame and link it? Or find new frame and/or project truck and throw those parts into it?
Any decisions/thoughts made on the new direction to go? Going to rebuild the frame and link it? Or find new frame and/or project truck and throw those parts into it?

Going with a new project truck, gonna sell the goods and keep the drive-train like that motor/trans/case and the rear axle, have something lined up but holding out to see my other options before i commit to that one.
I assume when you went to Bolivia and bought those other parts it was from @Coleprice1993. you should have bought the 1st gen parts from him and put the efi drivetrain in it and been done! Rust free 1st gen would be sweet with your drivetrain in it.
adiós engrasador
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