Project Greaser - Toyota Pickup

almost two weeks without updates.. man i'm slacking, But in all honestly there really hasn't been that much done to update until now. Today was perfect weather to be out there cleaning the block and valve cover to get ready for paint without my fingers falling off, gonna paint the block an aluminum color and the valve cover blue.

So what's done so far is oil pan gasket, rear main, brass freeze plugs, timing cover gasket, oil pump gasket? (think that's what it called), Once everything is painted i got a new waterpump and gasket and valve cover gasket. Then the engine is set and ready to go in after i send the injectors out to get done cause that probably not a bad idea with how long it had been sitting.

EDIT: forgot to mention how much of a pain the but it was to clean off the bottom of the timing cover...
I'm still without a truck but i have some things to keep me busy until i get one, gotta rebuild the axle, finish putting the motor back together, and do a couple things on the FZJ80. But got the valve cover and block painted, came out great and starting to look like a nice looking engine. one more thing to do on the valve cover which is to tape off and strip the paint off of the Toyota lettering and put some clear on it.


Let’s try this again
New rig!
March 18th, 2018
I guess i should come back to this thread a little bit lol, i mostly post updates up on mud. But still have the truck, and making some progress now, the ball is finally starting to roll, but ill update everything from the last post to now, so ill start with some more pictures cause everyone loves those:D
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April 1st, 2018
Finally got some time to work on the truck and got the interior stripped to fix some rust. As i was told there was a rust spot on the drivers side body mount area and that was the only spot. its on the verge of being bad. But nothing Eastwood rust gel shouldn't be able to fix, but if that doesn't work ill just cut that area out and just weld a new piece in there and call it good.


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April 1st, 2018
Gotta say, for $15 and a couple hours of work this didn't come out so bad, defiantly not gonna be the final paint but its just to have something on there so it isn't bare metal.
Finally going to be able to make some progress in the next few weeks. Ordered some parts and just waiting for them to come in. Ordered a ifs steering box plate from marlin crawler. Ordered a dual case adapter. Going to get a disc brake conversion for the rear and also some chrome moly shafts. Also going to go and get a HP diff so I can rebuild the front axle finally. Once all of those come in to play I can knock that out in a couple weekends. Once steering is done I need to trim down the body lift to about 1.5” and then I can put the motor in. Finally getting motivated again with everything coming to put it together.
April 15, 2018
Went to Weddington to get a rolled 80 from a buddy for some parts and for a HP front diff. Pulled the axles off and off it went to the scrap yard
April 22, 2018
Went to Wilmington yesterday to get some parts, Got a disk brake conversion kit with calipers, rotors, pads, bigger master cylinder, rebuilt kit with stronger bearings, chromoly shafts and some stock ones. Hoping to get that done during the week and be ready to put in.
June 6, 2018
With the 20% off on ebay, we went ahead and ordered front and rear spartan lockers for Greaser
July 2, 2018
Well.... A $#$$ ton of money later i got the gears and lockers installed, Spartan lockers and 5.29

Also had a buddy mill down my IFS hubs so i can put tacoma rotors and brakes on.
July 11th, 2018
Did some painting today on the knuckles and brake caliper mounts, and have been welding on the axle adding some knuckle gussets, and will be welding on the diff guard i got from marlin. Hint the color the truck will be!
July 16th, 2018
Axle is all welded up and painted, gonna clean up the gray paint a little bit on the diff.
She's finally back down on the weight of her own axle now instead of a 4x4 and jackstands lol, Just gotta wait on a few more parts to come in for the front and ill be able to put the axle together. While im waiting on that ill be doing the steering brace and putting the rear axle together.
Got some more progress today, pressed the front studs in and cleaned up the front hubs and stuff to get ready to be assembled, as put in the lower studs for the knuckle. Still waiting to get the upper ARP studs from the top for the high steer then ill be able to put the front axle back together.


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