Random pic thread.

What’s your opinion on bobcat reliability? A guy has one who swears it’s broken more than it runs. Claims he’s always having to fix something and says he’ll never own another, but he does use the piss out of it. My brother has a Case that gets used 10 hours a day 6 days a week. It usually has something leaking and randomly doesn’t like to start but it’ll get it done. I’ve heard good stuff about Takeuchi. No experience with caterpillar.
Not a tech guy, but worked at companies that had Cat, Case, Bobcat, & 1 Takeuchi. O, & 1 Kubota. I'd put Cat & Bobcat in the same bag; they all have problems. Case I never saw much problems with, but everyone said it stood for Can't Afford Something Else. The 1-2 Takeuchi's I've seen & run, didn't seem to give any problems. Must be Some reason they don't sell more? A company that used a lot of JD & a variety of things, bought a New Kubota. No one was happy with it. Not so much on problems, but just design & confort.
Observing some nice hollow logs today! May have been all 1 tree, or 2 trees; I don't know, but there were 4 sections.


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Don't ever buy a mini flashlight with 123A, batteries! Expensive & don't last long at all!

Not sure what you're calling "not long," but I have a few things that use CR123A's, including my helmet flashlights, and you can definitely tell a difference in brands. Our AED's at the FD use them and we change them out because of age more than being weak/dead.

Not sure what you're calling "not long," but I have a few things that use CR123A's, including my helmet flashlights, and you can definitely tell a difference in brands. Our AED's at the FD use them and we change them out because of age more than being weak/dead.

Got a x300u on a pistol that gets use and sleeps a good bit. Nothing wrong with those batteries from my perspective.
I have 123A batteries in multiple weapon lights and they are great, all Streamlights.
I doubt I'd have the patience for chinking. Looks great though!

Any pics of the whole cabin?
This is the guest check in/parking area at the swag. Sounds like they are wanting work on several other cabins redone with latex as well. Not to mention all the concrete chunking we did this winter. My dad built one of the cabins and we have done several overhauls reworks of areas over the years.

but they just changed owners and redoing the whole place, more than we could tackle I work for a GC full time (which is doing another project with the swag) and my dad is now in his 60s. So we are going back and redoing all the stuff they did that they didn’t know how to do.


  • image.jpg
    164.2 KB · Views: 117
This is the guest check in/parking area at the swag. Sounds like they are wanting work on several other cabins redone with latex as well. Not to mention all the concrete chunking we did this winter. My dad built one of the cabins and we have done several overhauls reworks of areas over the years.

but they just changed owners and redoing the whole place, more than we could tackle I work for a GC full time (which is doing another project with the swag) and my dad is now in his 60s. So we are going back and redoing all the stuff they did that they didn’t know how to do.

Front side of the guest check in
Wow that place is beautiful. I'm a sucker for log and timber structures.
Not sure what you're calling "not long," but I have a few things that use CR123A's, including my helmet flashlights, and you can definitely tell a difference in brands. Our AED's at the FD use them and we change them out because of age more than being weak/dead.

Don't remember what came with it, but my last batteries are SUREFIRE. Made in USA, & by a number, looks like it's good till 2026. But I probably got about 2 hr. at Most, over a 6 month time. My Harbor Freight 3-aaa s, lights last longer than that.
Dafuq is that?? I am fairly piece loving but me and that duder would fight!!!
Some kind of lizard, he was peaceful and left quietly.