Random pic thread.

I do a good enough job hitting my pinky toe on the corner of the bed, I'd completely knock it off with an excavator tooth.
The future new owner is gonna have a hellva time gettin that thing outta there.
Playing cars with Granny 😍

Red button, green button! Send it!
I tried that right before lunch break. Three 25oz beers later I figured out since V and Y axis are supposed to match, that the electrical going to the drive motors on the bridge had a short in it. So I unplugged them, rehoned the machine a few times and tada..... Didn't fix a damn thing but it somehow magically worked.
Just hit delete and your problem will disappear. lol....
Last time I tried Control Alt Del it redirected me to a Gay Italian POV X-rated video live session. I'll never eat spaghetti again.
Went to Knoxville on Sat to get some parts and dude had one these.Its a Doug Nash part time kit for a NP 203 case.Different people made part time kits and they all had different prices but from what Ive saw a Doug Nash kit was the cat meow's..I've had em before but never unused and in the original box.
