Random pic thread.

Holy shit, I haven't seen that one yet!

that was sent from a FB forum I'm on, not something I've seen (yet) though I've seen lug nuts installed backward a few times.....
I've seen more snakes this summer than I have in years before. In front of house..he had 5 rattlers
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As crazy as it sounds, I'd almost trade you. Down in my parts this year has been overrun by wasps. Nests the size of basketballs and even hornets. I happen to be highly allergic.
one of the many things i do not miss about living in florida would be the snakes. found too many corals and rattle snakes hanging out in the garage.
Trump is the Anti-status quo, a black eye to the "Jeb Bush must win" establishment. He isn't the perfect candidate, but the perfect one hasn't been born yet. Brash, unafraid and smart. He isn't the second coming of Perot, he is willing to tear it down. LET IT BURN


Trump is the Anti-status quo, a black eye to the "Jeb Bush must win" establishment. He isn't the perfect candidate, but the perfect one hasn't been born yet. Brash, unafraid and smart. He isn't the second coming of Perot, he is willing to tear it down. LET IT BURN

View attachment 194579

View attachment 194580
Really? Do you really believe this?
I believe that it matters ZERO who is driving this train as it still is headed over a precipice.

I also believe that there is a concerted effort to discredit and remove DJT from the R list of possible candidates. Why?

There is an establishment R ruling body who has sold us out, time and time again, to whatever is convenient. What has the GOP stopped or reversed since gaining both houses? ZERO

Trump sticks his finger in their eye and calls them out.

A vote for Trump is telling those fuckers that we are DONE voting for whatever slug they choose for us.

Did you see the GOP convention when they did voice votes? That alone tells anyone all they need to know about those assholes.

He isn't exactly a conservative, he isn't exactly a libertarian, he is something new. A man who tells it like it is and might just slow this crash down so everyone isn't killed. I don't trust him 100% to do what I want, but I trust him more than ANY establishment goon.

By continuing to vote for whatever RINO they present, we enable the GOP establishment to do what they want instead of what the base demands.
Will this lead to Dems being elected? Maybe. But they will be elected anyway as long as the McCains and Romneys and Bushs are nominated.
he is something new.
Uh,we've had something new before,remember the tea party??? All that done was split the republican voters.